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Sheet No. 7.

Case No. 4 contained the following sixteen Kakemono:

Yue No. 68. [[checkmark]] One Kakemono, by Chu Hai. Sung.  Unsigned.
The Buffalo and its young.  In ink.
Height, 30"; width, 14 1/2".

Yue No. 69. [[checkmark]] One Kakemono, by Chien Tsi, Sung. Inscription on painting at upper left.
The image of Buddha.
Painted on silk, in ink and colors.
Height, 50"; width, 24 3/4"

Yue No. 70 [[checkmark]] One Kakemono, by Want Tsu Ching.  Sung.  Unsigned.
Painted on silk, in ink and colors.
Full length standing portrait of a lady.
Height, 50"; width, 27 1/2".

Yue No. 71. [[checkmark]] One Kakemono, by Li Young Ysi. Sung. Unsigned.
Painted on silk, ink and colors.
A standing white horse, in a landscape.
Height, 28 1/2"; width, 23 1/2".

Yue No. 72. [[checkmark]] One Kakemono, by Li Teh Mai. Sung. Unsigned.
Painted on silk, in ink.
Two eagles standing on the brand of an old [[strikethrough]] pine [[/strikethrough]] tree.
Height, 43 1/2"; width, 34 1/2".

Yue No. 73. [[checkmark]] One Kakemono, by Wang Hui. Sung. Unsigned.
Painted on paper, in ink and colors.
Magpies fighting.
Height, 19 3/4"; width, 19 1/2".

Yue No. 74 [[check mark]] One Kakemono, by Mao Mow Tsung Pu.  Sung.  Unsigned.
Painted on silk, in ink and colors.
[[strikethrough]] Height [[/strikethrough]] Three goats, on a hillside.
Height, 37"; width, 20 1/2".

Yue No. 75. [[checkmark]] One Kakemono, by Ma Yuan. Sung. Unsigned.
Painted on silk, in ink and colors.
Mountainous landscape, with lake view.
Height, 62", width, 34 3/8".

Ex Yue No. 76 [[checkmark]] One Kakemono, by Me [[strikethrough]] Pei [[/strikethrough]] Fu. Sung. Unsigned - no inscription.
Painted on paper, in ink.
Mountainous landscape.
Height, 40 3/4"; width, 14 7/8".

Yue No. 77 [[checkmark]] One Kakemono, by Chou Yuh Chin. Sung. Signed.
Fine. Painted on silk in colors.
Flowers and insects.
Height, 21"; width,29 1/4".

Yue No. 78 [[checkmark]] X One Kakemono, by Hong Tsze Feng. Sung.  Unsigned.
Painted on silk, in ink.
Landscape - playing the music of a Ching under a pine tree.
Heigh, 51 1/4"; width,30 7/8E.

EX Yue No. 70. One Kakemono, by Ma Ling. Sung. Unsigned.
Painted on silk, in colors and ink.
Very poor. Four geese under a willow tree.
Height, 69 1/2"; width,42".

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-28 08:43:24