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Civil Actions 
[[4 column table]]

| Date | Nate a Race of Plaintiff | Name a Race of Defendant | Complaints, Action, taken by Courts and Bureau |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Sept 28. | Calep Williams (Freedman) | Temel . P. Williams (White) | Amount for wages $72 Ordered by Bureau, that Plaintiff have and recover from Dfdt. the sum of $36 in sp. |
| Sept 28. | Mathilde Mecheam (Freedman) | T.G.F. Allen (White) | Amount for wages $27. Ordered by Bureau, that Plaintiff have and recover from Defendant the sum of $ 14.80 in specie |
| Sept 28 | Luria [[?]] Hallen (Freedman) | Dr. H. Adams (White) | Amount for wages $30. Ordered by Bureau, that Plaintiff have and recover from Defendant the sum of $30 in specie. |