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"Report the disposition and feeling of the white people towards the freed people as expressed by words and actions."
The white people are kind towards the freed people, and show a disposition to deal fairly with them.

"Report the feeling upon the subject of education; what steps have been taken to promote the same; what efforts the freed people are making in that direction and in what manner they may be assisted, &c &c "
The white people are indifferent in regard to the education of the freedpeople. A very few are promoting the same by contributions of money and donations of land.
There are two schools in operation in San Augustine Co., conducted by colored teachers.
The freedpeople of San Augustine are creating a meeting and school house at San Augustine, but they will not be able to finish it. with their own means, the cotton crop having been an entire failure in this section.
Both the colored teachers are [[underlined]] not competent.

Transcription Notes:
Add paragraph numbers? Paragraph 6 after assisted (? best guess) Delete period after "finish it"