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[[4 columned table]]
| DATE. | NAME AND RACE OF CRMINAL. | NAME AND RACE OF PERSON INJURED. | Action taken by Courts and Bureau, &c., since previous report. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1867 | Reported July 1" 1867. |   |   |

| May 15 | D.W. Donohoe  S.H. Donohoe Joe - (other name unknown) Jim Keller Wm Keller (White) | Wade Hampton (freedman) | Civil courts have never taken any action. The parties escaped and are now in the swamp in Louisiana. The case has been taken from the Courts, is now in the Bureau.  Two attempts have been made to arrest these men by a guard and failed. |

| June 15th | Charles Murry William Malone E Pauling (white) | John Booth  Edwd Booth (freedmen) | Murry ran away after arrest and before trial.  Malone was fined. Pauling (an ex-federal soldier) was in jail over two months, his health failing, I bailed him out of jail. |

| June 29th | Thos. Wooton (white) | Anthony Hall ( freedman) | Accusation striking with a stick. Fined ($7.50) Seven Dollars and fifty cents. |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-02 08:08:40 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-02 02:40:45