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"Make such practical and judicious suggestions as will, in your opinion, render the operations of the Bureau more efficient, &c &c."  

I" A thorough system of Inspection. instead of one or two Inspecting Officers, the Bureau of this State should have six or eight. They should be practicable business men. Each inspector should have a certain number of Counties assigned as a District, with privilege of going to any portion of his District, whenever he saw proper without giving notice to the Sub Assistant Commissioner, that the Inspecting Officer would visit him about such a time. If the S.A.C. is doing his duty & attending to his legitimate business, he is prepared to receive the Inspector at any time.  If not he is unfitted & unworthy of his position
The complaints that are made are not against the Bureau in reality, it is against its Agent, who I am sorry to say (if report if correct) have abused their position most shamefully by usurping to themselves power not vested in them, using their position for speculation & peculation.  If this be true, the sooner the Bureau is rid of them the better
I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Yr Obt. Svt
A.H. Mayer
Sub Asst. Commissioner