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[[top of left page]] 92] ANNUAL REGISTER

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fortnight past, four times beyond Pancras, by a single footpad, who robbed the passengers; and on Friday morning he attacked the coach again as the same spot, was fired at, and dangerously wounded by a person in the coach. On his being secured and searched, three loaded pistols were found upon him, one of them double barrelled. He was sent to Middlesex-hospital, where soon after he dies. 

[[italicized]]Dublin, March 20. [[italicized]] The House of Commons being this day informed that some mistakes had been made in transcribing the revenue-bill, which had passed the house, and was ordered to be carries to the lord-lieutenant, to be transmitted in due form. On this occasion, Mr. Prime Searjeant moved to have the said bill recommitted, that these mistakes might be rectified. Sir Lucius O'brian, Mr. Ponsonby [[?]], and Mr. Burgh said they agreed to have the mistakes rectified, but would have the cause of recommitting the bill specified in the order, that it might not be drawn into a precedent. For it would be very dangerous to the constitution, if bills once passed the house, should be brought into it again, before they were transmitted, as in such a case, an important bill might be carried in favour of any laudable measure, by a very small majority in a full house, and then, if it was disagreeable to administration, it might be brought back, under pretence of rectifying mistakes, when the house was very thin, and the court thereby sure of a majority, and such alterations might be made as would overturn the original intention. These ideas seemed so reasonable, that the

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causes being assigned, the order was made for recommitting the said bill.

M.Pignarelli, a Neapolitan gentleman, was beheaded at Rome for his satirical writings against the holy see. 

This day his majesty went 16th in state to the House of Peers, and gave the royal assent to the following bills, viz.

The bill for preserving his majesty's dock-yards, ships, stores, and ammunition. 

The bill to amend and act for maintaining and enlarging the harbour of Ramsgate and haven of Shoreham.

The bill for embarking and preserving certain fen [[?]] and low grounds in Huntingtonshire.

The bill for deepening and preserving the harbour of Ayr in Scotland.

The bill for giving relief in proceedings upon writs of Mandamus, for the admission of freemen into corporations, &c.

The bill for more effectually proceeding against persons standing mute on their arraignment for felony or piracy. 

The bill for more easy and speedy recovery of small debts in Scotland.

The bill for paving, watching, lighting, &c. the streets in Chatham.

The bill to dissolve the marriage of George Collier, Esq; with Christina Gwynn, his now wife, and to enable him to marry again. 

The bill to dissolve the marriage of Richard Draper with his now wife, and to enable him to marry again.

And to several road, inclosure, and naturalization bills. 


[[top of right page]] For the YEAR 1772 [93

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At Aylesbury assizes, three were capitally convicted.

As the assizes at Herford, ten were capitally convicted, among whom was the Jew who was concerned in the robbery of Mrs. Hutchings, as Chelsea; and now tried for a burglary in the house of Mrs. Deacon, at Wormley, in the said country.

At Bedoford assizes, one was capitally convicted, but was reprieved before the judge left the town.

At Chelmsford assizes, ten were capitally convicted, of whom six were reprieved.

At the assizes of Kingston, in Surry, Anthony Whelps, an Italian, was capitally convicted for the murder of Antonio Janin, a French gentleman, by assaulting and beating him in a cruel manner, and then throwing him into the Thames, near Lambeth, after having robbed him of his gold watch and eighteen guineas. The judged ordered him for execution at Kennington-common. William Lovell, and his wife were tried for wilfully and maliciously setting fire to their dwelling-house on Rotherhite-wall, last September, whereby thirteen houses were entirely consumed. The man was found guilty, and left for execution by the judges; as was a mad for throwing his wife out of a chamber-window, which occasioned her death.

At Maidstone assizes, ten were capitally convicted, of whom six were reprieved. Among those left for execution, was Thomas Theobalds, for stealing the Tunbridge bag of letters; his accomplice, William Loffett, is to be tried at the Old-Bailey.

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At Reading assizes, three were capitally convicted; but were all reprieved. 

At Oxford assizes, three were capitally convicted, of whom two were reprieved.

At Winchester assizes, four were capitally convicted; three of whom were reprieved.

At Dorchester assizes, four were capitally convicted; three of whom were reprieved.

At Salisbury assizes, four were capitally convicted; but were all reprieved.

At the assizes at Worchester, seven were capitally convicted; four of whom were reprieved. 

At Taunton assizes, five were capitally convicted, four of whom were reprieved; and John Lavington, for forging his brother's will, was executed at Ilchester gallows. So long as Lady-day 1771, he went to Axbridge, and applied to an attorney to make his will, telling him his name is Richard (which was his brother's name) and signed the will Richard Lavington, which he kept secret till the day of his brother's death, which happened about five or six months after the will was made, when he published it as a true will, in order to defraud his brother's widow: Richard Lavington was but half-brother to the prisoner. The two brothers were in a field near Wells, and nobody else near; it is supposed that the prisoner gave his brother a blow on the head with a hatchet, and dispatched him, which when done, he immediately made an alarm, and said his brother fell from a tree as he was cutting wood with an hatchet, pitched on his head, and died instantly. As the fatal tree he confesses the forgery, but denied 