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Annual Register
to return thanks to the king, for having forgiven their imprudent conduct.
Several precious monuments of antiquity have lately been found in the remains of the ancient city of Herculaneum, among which are some vessels for culinary purposes, made of fine copper lined with silver; which shews that the ancients were not unacquainted with the pernicious qualities of copper respecting health, nor unmindful of providing properly against their ill effects.
A letter of thanks from the king of Great Britain, was presented to his holiness the Pope, by D. Paul Borgese, for the great regard and attention which his holiness had shewn to the Duke of Gloucester, during his late stay at Rome.
Advice was received at Hamburgh, that a fire, which lately broke out at Oestita, near Archangel, had consumed 519 houses, and a great number of storehouses, in which were 1000 lasts of rye, and great quantities of hemp.

Extract of a Letter from Copenhagen,
June 10.
"By an advice ship we have received the agreeable news that on the 5th of May, peace was proclaimed at Algiers between Denmark and the Algerines."
The court of Naples and that of Copenhagen have mutually agreed to recall their ministers from each respective court, and, for the future, to send only a conful each, to take care of their affairs.

Married at Lazar's hill, Dublin, Mr. Patrick Stephens, aged 109, to Mrs. Barry, aged 102.
The Rev. Mr. Luke Ember, near 80 years of age, to Miss Elliot, a young lady of 14.
Died lately,--Perram, Esq; at his seat at Hertfordshire, well known for his skill in horse-racing and cock-fighting, by which he amassed upwards of 1000 l. per annum, besides a great sum of money, the bulk of which, after paying some legacies, he has left to a relation, a youth about nine years of age.
Mr. Morgan, at Rotherhithe, formerly purser of a man of war; reckoned to have died worth 30,000l. but was so penurious, he would not keep any servant.
Mr. John Wigan, one of the oldest and most noted jockies in this kingdom, aged 92 years.
At Oxford, in the 95 year of his age, Capt. Marcellus Laroon. In the 103d year of her age, Mrs. Moore, of Marybone.
Jasper Jenkins, Esq; aged 106, at Enfield, formerly a merchant at Liverpool.
Mary Metcalf, aged 108, near Backwork, Northumberland.
Mrs. Tate, aged 106, at Malton, in Yorkshire.
At St. Omer's, in France, Madame Girodolle, a maiden lady, aged 127.
Mrs. Keith, at Newnham in Gloucestershire, aged 133, who retained her senses till within a fortnight before her death: she has left 6000 l. to her three daughters, the youngest of whom is 109 years of age: she has likewise left behind her about 70 grand-children and great grand-children.
The action brought by a gentleman last term against the 
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the governor and directors of the bank, for refusing him the liberty of transferring his stock, which stood in the joint names of him and his wife, without her consent, was tried yesterday in the court of King's-bench, and determined in favour of the plaintiff, with full costs of suit. Lord Mansfield declared, "that nothing could be clearer than the husbands right on this occasion, -that the officers of the Bank had nothing to do with any claim of the wife, unless served with an injunction of the court of Chancery, which in this case has been repeatedly refused; that it was highly cruel and oppressive to withhold from the husband his right of transferring, since, if he died whilst the matter was agitated, his wife would become entitled as the survivor to the privilage of transferring and disposing as she should think fit of so much of the real and absolute property of her husband"
   The petition of the Honourable Thomas Walpole, Samuel Wharton, Efq; and others, for a grant of a tract of country; for a new colony on the banks of the Ohio, was taken into consideration in privy counsel, and it is said finally determined in favour of the petitioners. 
   Dublin Castle, June 25. His majesty having been graciously pleased, as a mark of his royal acceptance of the good services performed by Sir George Macartney, to nominate him to be one of the knights companions of the most honourable order of the bath; and his majesty having been pleased to signify his royal pleasure, that George Lord Vifcount Townshend, Lord-lieutenant-general, and governor of his majesty's kingdom of Ireland, should invest him with the ensigns of the said order, and that the said investiture should be performed in such public and distinguished manner, as may both shew the respect due to the king's order, and be a testimony of his majesty's sense of the merit of the gentleman, on whom that signal mark of his royal favours was conferred; the ceremony was accordingly performed this day.
  After which Sir George Macartney was entertained at dinner by his excellency the lord-lieutenant, together with many of the nobility, and principal persons, distinction.
  A young man was found hanging on a cow-house at Falmouth, and his brother was soon after taken up in a fisherman's net drowned. Each of these young men, it is said, had 2000l. in a late banker's hands, the loss of which was the cause of this melancholy catastrophe; it is added, that a young gentlewomen that was soon to have been married to one of the brothers, is since dead of a broken heart. 
  Mr. Hill, who was lately expelled the university of Oxford, preached a sermon on Hampiteadheath to more than 5000 hearers. 
  In consequence of the unwearied applications of the cabinet-makers, the Treasury-board have at length given orders for the seizure of a large quantity of contraband goods, lately imported under the sanction of the Venetian resident; and on Friday and Saturday last, several officers of the customs, attended by some cabinet-makers, seized in the houses of Messrs. W. and R. In Sherrard-