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Viscountess Valentia, of a daughter.
Feb. 20. Lady of the Right Hon. Thomas Townsend, of a daughter.
March 3. Lady of Sir John Shelly, Bart. of a son.
4. Princess of Mecklenburgh Strelitz, of a Prince.
12. Right Hon. the Countess of Errol, of a son.
25. Lady of Lord Greville, of a son.
Lately, Her Grace the Dutchess of Leinster, of a daughter. 
April 6. Lady of the Right Honourable Lord Archibald Hamilton, of a daughter.
Lady of Lord Vis. Milsington, of a son.
28. Lady Deering, of a daughter. 
May 6. Right Honourable the Countess of Wigton, of a daughter.
13. Lady of the Right Hon. the Earl of Albemarle, of a son.
24. Duchess of Buccleugh, of a son.
30. Countess of Tyrone, of a son.
June 3. Right Hon. Lady Eliz. Herbert, of a son.
Lady of Willian Blackburne, of twins, both sons.
7. The Queen of two Sicilies, of a Princess.
24. Countess of Hopetown, of a daughter.
July 3. Consort of Prince Frederic Eugene, of Wurtemburg, of a prince.
19. Princess of Naffau Weilburg, of a Prince
28. Lady Vise. Powerscourt, of two sons.
29. Lady of the Earl of Granard, of a daughter.
Aug.8 Hereditary Princess of Hesse Cassel, of a Prince.
10. Lady Amelia Barrington, of a daughter.
Bishop of Norwich's Lady, of a son.
14. Her Royal Highness the Great Dutchess of Tuscany, of a prince.
20. Lady of Lord Visa. Downe, of a son. 
24. Pricess Royal of Prussia, consort to the Prince of Orange, of a prince.
Lady of the Hon. and Rev. William Digby, of a daughter.
Sept 19. The Right Hon. the Countess of Westmoreland, of a daughter.
Lady Molineux, of a son.
Oct. 2. Right Hon. the Countess of Tankerville, of a daughter.
Lady of Lord Garlies, of a son.
18. Lady of Lord Hope, of a daughter.
Right Hon. Countess of Dalhousie, of a son.
The Countess of Egremont, Lady of Count Bruhl, of a son'and heir, at her Ladyship's house in Piccadilly.
The Lady of Capt. O'Neal of Greenwich, of twins; being the first time of lying in after a marriage of twenty-one years.
26. Lady of Sir Watkyn Williams Wynne, Bart. of a son.
The Lady of the Rev. Dr. Markham, Bishop of the Chester,

For the YEAR 1772. [157
Chester, and Preceptor to their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales and the Bishop of Osnaburgh, delivered of a daughter: this is his tenth child, and all of them are living.
Nov. 18. Her Royal Highness the consort of the Prince Augustus Ferdinand, of Prussia, of a prince.
22. Her Royal Highness the Princess of Brunswick, of a princess.
23. The reigning Duchess of Saxe-Gotha, of a prince.
25. Countess of Dumfries, of a daughter.
Lady of Sir George Osborne, Bart. of a son and heir.
26. Lady of Sir John Sinclair, of Muire, Bart. of a son.
Dec. 19. Lady of the Bishop of Litchfield, of a son.
28. Lady of Lord Visc. Weymouth, of a son.

Jan. 1. Hon. Francis Count Taafe, second son to Lord Visc. Taafe, Chamberlain to his Imperial Majesty, a Count of the Holy Roman Empire, and a General in the Austrian service, to the Hon. Miss Bellew, eldest daughter to the late Lord Bellew.
27. Right Reverend the Bishop of Dromore, to Miss Smith, in Dublin.
Feb. 10. Right Hon. Lord Villiers, to Miss Conway, daughter to Earl of Hertford.
29. Right Hon. Lord Montfort, to Miss Blake, sister to Pat. Blake, Esq; member for Sudbury.
Charles Fielding, Esq; a Captain in the Navy, to Miss Finch, daughter to Lady Charlotte Finch.
March 28. The Chevalier de St. George, to a Princess of Stolberg, by proxy, at St. Germains.
April 1. Hon. Henry Erskine, to Miss Fullerton, of New-Hall, in Scotland.
2. David Smith, Esq; to Miss Murray, eldest daughter of Sir Robert Murray, Bart.
21. Sir William Ashurst, one of the Justices of his Majesty's court of King's bench, to Miss Whalley, of Oxford.
Sir John Blois, Bart. to Miss Lucretia Ottely.
25. Jeffrey Hornby, Esq; to the Hon. Miss Stanley, second daughter of the late Lord Strange.
Lord Hinchingbroke, to the Hon. Lady Mary Paulet, daughter to his Grace the Duke of Bolton.
28. Thomas de Grey, Esq; son to Lord Chief Justice de Grey, to Miss Irby, daughter to Lord Boston. 
May 21. Gen. Carlton, Gov. of Quebec, to the Hon. Miss Maria Howard, sister to the Earl of Essingham.
25. Tho. Rumbold, Esq; member for Shoreham, to Miss Law, daughter of Dr. Law, Bp. of Carlisle.
Right Hon. Earl of Harborough,

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