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the late Thomas Whateley, Esq; - Thomas Wonder, Esq; Appointed Collector of the port of Cork in Ireland, 1000l. a year. 
Lately, James Cuffe, Henry Mitchell, Wm. Gamball, and Tho. Tisdall, Esqs, Commissioners and Overseers of the Barracks of Dublin, in the room of the Earl of Ely, Thomas Adderley, John Magill, And John Monk Mason, Esqrs. - Thomas Adderley, Treasurer to the Barrack-Board, in the room of Henry Mitchell, Esq;
August 12. Right Hon. Allen Lord Bathurst and his issue male, the dignity of an Earl of the kingdom of Great-Britain, by the title of Earl Bathurst, of Bathurst, in Kent. - The Right Hon. Willis Hill, Earl of Hillsborough, in Ireland, and Lord Harwich, Baron of Harwich, in Essex, and to his issue male, the dignities of Viscount and Earl of Great-Britain, by the titles of Viscount Fairford, and Earl of Hillsborough, in the county of Gloucester. 
- 14. The Right Hon. William Earl of Dartmouth, to be one of his majesty's Principal Secretaries of State. -Sir Robert Murray Keith, Knight of Bath, his majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the court of Vienna. - Ralph Woodford, Esq; late his majesty's Resident with the Hanse towns, to be his majesty's Envoy Extraordinary at the court of Copenhagen. - Emanuel Mathias, Esq; to be his majesty's Resident witht he Hanse towns, in the room of Ralph Woodford, Esq; -Horace St. Paul, Esq; Secretary to the Embassy at the court of Versailles. 
- 15. Hon. John Stewart, Esq; commonly called Lord Garlies, a Commissioner of Trade and Plantations. 
Aug. 31, The Right Hon. Will. Earl of Dartmouth, first Lord of Trade and Plantations. 
Sept. 19. Charles Cocks, of Dumbleton, in Gloucestershire, Esq; Patrick Blake, of Langham, in Suffolk, Esq; Paulet St. John, of Farley, in Hants, Esq; Sir Robert Wilmot, of Osmaston next Derby in Derbyshire, Knt. Sir James Wright, Knt. his majesty's Resident to the Republic of Venice, Lyonel Lyde, of Ayot St. Lawrence, in Herts, Esq; his majesty's Attorney-General of South-Carolina, to the dignity of Baronets of Great-Britain. - James Williams, and Francis North, Esqrs, to the office of Receiver-General of all his majesty's revenues within his colony and dominions of Virginia. -Rev. Joseph Dean Bourke, now Dean of Dromore, to the united Bishoprichs of Leighlin and Fernes, Ireland. -Reverend Ralph Walsh, M. A. to the Deanry of Dromore, Ireland. 
- 25. To Richard Sutton, Esq; of Norwood-Park, Nottinghamshire, the dignity of a Baronet of Great-Britain. 
- 30. Francis Willes, Esq; son to the Bishop of Bath and Wels, one of the Under Secretaries of State in Lord Rochford's department, in the room of Sir Richard Sutton, who has resigned. 
October 3. Right HOn. Lord North, Chancellor of the University of Oxford. 
- 6. Gilbert Laurie, Esq; Lord-Provost of Edinburgh. 
- 9. The Earl of Harcourt, Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, in the room of Lord Townshend, and a Privy-Counsellor. -Lord Clive, Lord-Lieutenant and Custos Rotu-lorum

For the YEAR 1772       [163
lorum of the counties of Salop and Montgomery, in the room of the late Earl Powis, -Lord Viscount Stormont, his majesty's Ambassador-Extraordinary to the court of Versailled. 
Oct. 14. His Grace the Duke of Marlborough was chosen President of the Radcliffe Infirmary at Oxford, in the room of the late Earl of Litchfels - Alexander Wood, Esq; to be Commissary of Stores and Provisions in the islands of Grenada, in the room of Alexander Cope, Esq; deceased. -Col. Blaquier, of Hale's dragoons, Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, in the room of Sir George Macartney.
- 17. The Right Hon. Lord Viscount Townshend, Lieutenant-General of his majesty's Forces, the office os Master-General of the Ordnance. 
- 22. The Right Hon. Henry Seymour Conway, General of his majesty's Forces, the office of Governor and Captain of the isle of Jersey, &c. in the room of the late Earl of Albemarle. -Lieutenant-General Sir Jeffrey Amherst, Knight of the Bath, the office of Lieutenant-Heneral of his majesty's Ordnance. -Major-General Charles Fitzroy, of the 14th regiment of dragoons, in the room of the Earl of Albemarle, deceased. -Lieutenant-General Daniel Webb, Colonel of the 14th regiment of dragoons, in the room of Colonel Fitzroy. - Lieutenant-General Bigoe Armstrong, of the royal American regiment, to be Colonel of the 8th or the king's regiment of foot, in the room of Lieutenant-General Daniel Webb. - Major-General Frederich Haldimand, to be Colo-nel-Commandant of a battalion in the royal American regiment, in the room of Lieutenant-General Armstrong. 
Oct. 23. John Hawkins, Esq; the honour of Knighthood. 
- 24. George Marsh, Esq; to be Comptroller of his majesty's Navy, in the room of Thomas Hanway, Esq; deceased. -James Wallace, and Robert Pett, Esqrs, Sir Roger Burgoyne, Bart. Jonas Hanway, Alexander Chorley, Thomas Colby, and William Gordon, Esqrs. to be Commissioners for victualing his majesty's Navy. - Wensley Bond, M.A. the Deanry of St. Faghnan, in the diocese of Ross, in Ireland, void by the death of Dr. Arthur St. George. 
- 28. Sir Sidney Stafford Smythe, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, in the room of Sir Thomas Parker, resigned. -James Eyre, Esq; Recorder of London, Puisne Judge in the said court, and the honour of Knighthood. 
- 31. Richard Stonhewer, Esq; the office of Auditor of the Revenue of Excise and other duties within England, Wales, and town of Berwick upon Tweed. -William Lowndes, Esq, to be a Commissioner for the management and receipt of his majesty's Revenue of Excise and other duties within England, Wales, and town of Berwich upon Tweed. 
Nov. 3. William Courtenay, of Hartley-Row, in the county of Hants, Esq; and Hohn Benson, of Christ-Church in the county of Oxford, Esq; the office of making, writing, and engrossing, all writs, of subpœna issuing out of the High Court of Chancery, commouly called the Subpœna-Office in Chancery.
    [M  2]                   Nov.