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256] ANNUAL REGISTER For the YEAR 1772. 

a dyet, and of the inconveniencies which may arise from delays, is determined to comply, as far as it is in his power; not only with the view of taking away all pretext of aggravating the evils which afflict Poland, but under the hopes, that this mark of regard will operate on the generosity of the three powers, so as to induce them to put a speedy end to these troubles, in a manner the most equitable and advantageous to the Republic.

In consequence hereof, his majesty has issued circular letters for the convocation of a full council of the senate, which must indispensably precede the summoning of a dyet; and has fixed the same to the 8th of February following; a term, which leaves no more than the time absolutely necessary for the arrival of the distant senators.

Done at Warsaw, this 14th of December, 1772.

Signed by the Chancellors of Poland and Lithuania.



Memoirs of the Life of Sir Henry Fynes, alias Clinton, Knight, who was eldest son of Henry, the second Earl of Lincoln, by his second venter Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Richard Morison, Knt, and widow of William Norris, Esq;-- They were written by himself, and the original manuscript is still preserved*.

"I was borne at Chenis in Com. Buckingham, on Saturday the last of September, 1587, between the hours of nine and ten in the morning, as appears under my mothers own hand-writing. George Earl of Comberland, on of my godfathars, putt me to ferue King James at his coming out of Scottland, whom I served ever aftar, and I reseaued many great savors from him.

"I was married the Thursday sennit before Christmas, in the year 1606, when the last great frost begann, to Elenor Harrington, daughtar to Sir James Harrington; to which my fathar's consente being sought, as he would not directly giue his consente, so did he not openly gaynesaye it; yet aftarwardes, when it was paste, he being moued for some mayntenance for me, he made a sheue of verry great displesure that he had conseaued agaynst me, only saue his purs, and denied to see me. -- Whereupon my grasius mastar his Magisty writt to my Lord, my fathar, this lettar, sum toue monthes aftar my marriage:

"Right trusty and well-beloued Coffin, we greet you well: Whereas our seruante Henry Fynes, your sonne, (as we ar informed) hath married the daughtar of Sir James Harrington, Knighte, with which match you are not pleased, as you haue cause to be offended if the same wear had withoute your consente; yett the same being paste, and the partye a uertuus gentilwoman, and of an honorable house and familye, which we well esteeme, lett our requeste preuayle thus farr, that you will pas by this offence, and reseaue agayne our seruante He: Fynes, your sonne into your favor. And in this you shall doe a naturalle parte; and give your sonne cause to serve us more cherefully; which if you yeald him at our requeste, we shall take it acceptably, as both he and you shall well perseaue. Given under our signett at Westminster, 15th February, 1607." 

Upon which lettar his Lordship reseaued me into his fauor, and 

* The spelling is strictly observed through the whole of this Memoir. VOL. XV.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-22 19:34:40 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-22 23:22:29 The second half still has "f"in place for many of the "s" ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-23 08:09:58 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-23 09:32:19