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Some Particulars of the Proceedings in the great Cause between Mr Alderman 
Townsend and the collector of the land-tax. ---  [174 
Summary of the Trial of James Bolland, for forgery.---[175
Abstract of an Act for the better regulating the future Marriages of the Royal Family.--[178
Cause of an Act for the better preventing of mischief by fire, within the cities of London and Westminster. --- [ibid. 
Ceremonial of the Internment of her late Royal Highness the Princess Dowager of Wales.--- [179 
Particulars of the late Revolution in Denmark. --- [181
Account of the Coronation of Gustavus III. King of Sweden --- [183
Particulars relating to the Execution of the State Criminals in Denmark.  [185
Extract of a Letter on the loss of the Verelst east-Indianman. --- [186
Copy of a Will made by his Majesty King George I, in favour of the Duchess of Kendal. --- [188
A Declaration of trust from Robert Walpole, Esq; to his said Majesty, for the use of the Duchess of Kendal. --- --- [189
Opinions of several of the most eminent lawyers of that reign, relative to the disposal of the king's personalities. --- --- [190
Account of a man's standing the shot of a cannon at a small distance, with the method of doing it with safety. --- --- [190
Account of an extraordinary literary work. --- [191
The number of sheep and black cattle sold at Smithfield-market, for the last forty years. --- --- [194
Prices of grain per quarter, at Bear-key and Mark-lane, for fifteen successive years. -- [196
A Table of the Corn exported from England during five years, the species thereof, and the bounties payable thereon. --- --- [197
Tables of Births and Burials, within the Bills of Mortality, for the last forty years. --- ----[ibid
Account of the History and Memoirs of the Society formed at Amsterdam, for the recovering of drowned persons. --- --- [198
The Petition of the East-India Company to Parliament. --- [201
Account of an extraordinary Adventurer, in a Letter from Canton. --- [202
Difference in the Probabilities of Longevity, between living in the Country and in great Cities. ---- ---  [204
List of the Knights of the Bath at the Installation June 15, 1772, with the Dates of their Election. --- --- [206
Account of an extraordinary Model of a Bridge. --- [207
Academy of Birds at Canterbury. --- --- [208
Supplies granted by Parliament, for the year 1772. ---- [209
Ways and Means for raising the Supplies. --- [213


His Majesty's most gracious Speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Tuesday the 21st of January, 1772. --- --- [218


The humble Address of the House of Lords to the King, with his Majesty's most gracious Answer. --- --- [219
The humble Address of the House of Commons to the King. --- [220
Message from his Majesty to both Houses of Parliament. --- [221
His Majesty's most gracious Speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Tuesday the 9th of June, 1772. --- --- [ibid.
His Majesty's most gracious Speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Thursday the 26th of November, 1772. --- --- [222
The humble Address of the House of Lords to the King, with his Majesty's most gracious Answer. --- --- [223
The humble Address of the House of Commons to the King. --- [224
His Excellency Lord Viscount Townsend's Speech to both Houses of Parliament in Ireland, on the 8th of October, 1771. --- --- [225
The Address of both Houses of Parliament in Ireland to his Majesty  [226
The Address of both Houses of Parliament in Ireland to the Lord-Lieutenant, with his Excellency's Answers. --- --- [228
The Speech of the Speaker of the House of Commons in Ireland to his Excellency the Lord-Lieutenant. --- --- [230
His Excellency Lord Viscount Townshend's Speech to both Houses of Parliament, at Dublin, on the 2d of June, 1772. --- --- [230
The Lords Protest against the Bill for regulating the Marriages of the Royal Family --- [232
The Lords Protest against the Bill for restraining the East-India Company from sending out Supervisors. --- --- [236
The King of Sweden's Speech, at the opening of the Diet, on the 25th of June, 1771. -- [239
Contents of the Act (?) or Bond of Obligation, which was signed and sworn to by his Swedish Majesty, on the 28th of February, 1772. --- [240
The King of Sweden's Speech to the States, on the 1st of June, 1772. [242
The King of Sweden's Speech to the States assembled in the Great-Hall, at Stockholm, August 21, 1772. --- --- [243
His Majesty's gracious Assurance, given to all his faithful subjects the States of Sweden, August 21, 1772. --- --- [247
His gracious Proposals, delivered to the States of the Realm, August 25, 1772, [ibid
The Speech of the Marshal of the Dyet, in the name of all the States, when they delivered their Answer to his Majesty's Proposals. --- [248
The Speech of the King of Sweden to the States, at the closing of the Dyet. September 9, 1772. --- --- [249
Manifesto, in the names of the Empress of Russia, the King of Prussia, and the Empress-Queen of Hungary, delivered at the Court of Warsaw, September 18th and 26th, 1772. --- [251
Counter Declaration of the Court of Warsaw. --- [253
Declaration of the Imperial Minister at the Court of Warsaw. --- [255
Answer of the Court of Warsaw to the preceding Piece. --- ibid