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from where we expected to drive to [[strikethrough]] Ravenna,[[/strikethrough]] Ravello, and look after the wine ordered by yourself and Mrs. Richardson, also those beautiful green glass bottles, but the lack of wind together with the laziness occasioned by the delightful climate prevented, and I did not step a foot on the Sorrento Peninsular.  However, if you will write me the particulars about the wine and bottles, that is, how much wine, how many bottles, and to whom they were to be shipped, giving the address you left with the Palumbos, I will send the information to Jerome, and I am sure he will be glad to have the matter looked up in your interest.  Also let me know please whether or not it was paid for in order that Jerome may have all the particulars.  Poor old Mr. Palumbo is dead, and the matters are being looked after by his wife and daughter, so it will be necessary for Jerome to have full information.

I enjoyed my stay in Italy this year much more than ever before, and I am sure that we made a great strike in the Villa Castello.  We have made a number of changes in the place, all of which have improved it very much, and we have others in contemplation.  We are gradually getting the house furnished, and I hope that when you are next in Italy I will be there also, and it would afford me the pleasure to have you enjoy the shadow of our fig tree while you are on Capri.

With kindest regards, I am, as ever,
Very faithfully yours,
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-05 07:14:21