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AS it has been repeatedly fuggefted to the publifher, by perfons who have feen the manufcript, that numbers would be ready to fufpect they were not really the writing of Phillis, he has procured the following atteftation, from the moft refpectable characters in Bofton, that none might have the leaft ground for difputing their original.

WE whofe names are underwritten, do affure the World, that the Poems fpecified in the title page, were (as we verily believe) written by Phillis, a young Negro Girl, who was but a few years fince, brought an uncultivated Barbarian from Africa, and has ever fince been, and now is, under the difadvantage of ferving as a flave in a family in this town, She has been examined by fome of the beft judges, and it thought qualified to write them.

His Excellency THOMAS HUTCHINSON, Governor.

The Honorable ANDRE OLIVER, Lieutenant-Governor.

The Hon. Thomas Hubbard,The Rev. Charles Chauncy, D. D.
The Hon. John Erving,The Rev. Mather Byles, D. D. 
The Hon. James Pitts,The Rev. Ed. Pemberton, D. D.
The Hon. Harrifon Gray,The Rev. Andrew Elliott, D. D.
The Hon. James Bowdoin,The Rev. Samuel Cooper, D. D.
John Hancock, Efq;The Rev. Mr. Samuel Mather,
Jofeph Green, Efq;The Rev. Mr. John Moorhead,
Richard Cary, Efq;Mr. John Wheatley, her Mafter.   



MÆCENAS, you beneath the myrtle fhade,
Read o'er what poets fung, and fherperds play'd.
What felt thofe poets, but you feel the fame?--
Does not your foul poffefs the facred flame?
Their noble ftrains your equal genius fhares
In fofter language, and diviner airs.

While Homer paints, lo! cicumfus'd in air, 
Celeftial Gods in mortal forms appear;
Swift as they move, hear each recefs rebount--
Heav'n quakes, earth trembles, and the fhores refound.
Great Sire of verfe, before my mortal eyes,
The lightnings blaze acrofs the vaulted fkies,
And as the thunder fhakes the heav'nly plains,
A deep-felt horror thrills through all my veins.
When gengler ftrains demand they graceful fong,
The length'ning line moves languifhing along.
When great Patroclus courts Achilles' aid,
The grateful tribute of my tears in paid;
Prone on the fhore he feels the pangs of love,
And ftern Pelides tend'reft paffions move.

Great Maro's ftrain in heav'nly numbers flows,
The Nine infpire, and all the bofom glows.
O could I rival thine and Virgil's apage,
Or claim the Mufes with the Mantuan fage,
Soon the fame beauties fhould my mind adorn,
And the fame ardores in my foul fhould burn:
Then fhould my fong in bolder notes arife,
And all my numbers pleafingly furprife; 
But here I fit, and mourn a grov'ling mind,
That fain would mount, and ride upon the wind.

Not you, my friend, thefe plaintive ftrains beccome,
lot you, whose bofom is the Mufes home;

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-11 00:39:18