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It confifteth of two essential parts, the outward preaching of the word, whereto belong the sacraments, outward blessings and corrections; and the inward operation of the Holy Spirit, accompanying the outward means.

Calling hath been dispensed by the wisdom of GOD diversely, according to the diversity of times; before Christ's coming, under the Old Testament; since Christ's coming under the New. This diversity hath been seen in the manner of the outward means, in the measure of the inward operations of the Spirit, and in the effects suitable to both.

Under the Old Testament, the bounds were more narrow, the word more obscure, the sacraments more mysterious, the Spirit more sparing, and the obedience required more slender than under the New.

From Adam to the confusion of tongues, while the whole earth was of one language, the calling was universal, all men being within the hearing of the preachers of righteousness: after the division of tongues, men forsaking the religious fathers, GOD permitted them to walk in their own ways, and renewed his calling and covenant with Abraham and his feed, and so contracted the bounds of his church, that is, of the called.

Some great divines distinguish calling into two kinds; one outward, of the word only; another inward, of the Spirit joined with the word: the former, they say, is ineffectual; the latter, effectual: the one common to the reprobate, the other, special and peculiar to the elect: that, never obeyed with truth of heart; this, never disobeyed.

I approve not such a distinction, but compound one calling of the word and Spirit, as it were of a body and soul, supposing it to have in itself power to bring forth effect in all that are under it; and if it doth not so, the cause not to arise from the calling, but from the called that obey not. And to avoid mistakes, we are to remember,

1. That is must not be thought that the Spirit goeth with the word, to make the hearer perform that which we can do by natural strength; for the Spirit is given to help where nature faileth; and what men can do of their own strength. GOD


GOD expecteth from them. One cause then, why the Spirit accompanieth not the word to many persons is, because they themselves though present hear it not, through their [[sottish]] carelessness.

2. That we are not to imagine, the concurrence of the word and Spirit is, as it were, natural, and inseparable, but depending on the will and good pleasure of GOD; and as grace is annexed to the sacraments, so is it to the word, only by divine institution and appointment.

But to return. Our Lord says, The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it, because they repented at the preaching of Jonas, and behold, a greater than Jonas is here. Matt. xii. 41. If Jonah preached to the Ninevites without the same Spirit, how is he greater than Jonah? nay, how is he equal, in the power of preaching? If they that disobey, be not equally called with them that obey, how can these rise up in judgment against them? When their answer is ready, we had not the fame calling them with you; ours differed toto genere (entirely;) you were partakers of an heavenly calling, we but of an earthly; you were called by the voice of GOD speaking to your hearts; we, but by the bare voice of men speaking to the ear: if GOD had moved and excited us, as much as he did you, we would have done as well as you. That distinction of calling then, into outward and inward, effectual and ineffectual, is vain.

1. Because it giveth unworthily the name of calling to the bare outward preaching of the word, which may be a commanding, but not a calling; for seeing the word of the new covenant comes to call men to repentance and faith, for their recovery, after notice taken of their impotency to rise again of themselves, it seems an insulting mock, and not a call, to say to sinners, turn, repent, believe, and live, unless there be grace prepared for them, whereby they may be able to repent and believe.

2. Because it attributeth the effect of obeying the calling to the kind of calling itself, and only to one cause, that is,
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