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               CIVIL ACTIONS.

[[4 Columned Table]]

| DATE | NAME AND RACE OF PLAINTIFF. | NAME AND RACE OF DEFENDANT. | Complaint: Action taken by Courts and Bureau. |

| Nov. 4/67 | Eliza Lacy c | Steve Weaver c | Services rendered. To pay Plt. $23.33. |
| Nov. 5 | Randolph Wyle c | Nick Johnson c | Services rendered. After a hearing. Comp. dismissed |
| Nov. 7 | John Clark c | William Bates w | Shooting a steer | Deft to pay value of steer |
| Nov. 7 | James Edward c | John Rowland w | Services rendered. Deft to pay Plt. $17.82 |
| Nov. 7 | Betsy Maburn c | Jim Thompson w | Services rendered. Deft to pay amt. claimed |
| Nov. 7 | Robert Macdonald c | S.B. Smith w | Services rendered. Deft to pay amt claimed |
| Nov. 7 | Eliza Alexander c | Bartlet Anderson w | Services rendered claim settled in this office |
| Nov. 8 | George Jones c | C.B. Bacon w | Services rendered. Case dismissed |
| Nov. 8 | Alex. Williams c | Bill Brown w | Services rendered. Compromised. |
| Nov. 8 | Esther Williams c | William Williams w | Services rendered. Deft to pay WM amt claimed |
| Nov. 8 | Moses Henry c | Andy Crow w | Services rendered Case settled by the parties |
| Nov. 8 | James Harris c | M. Wesley w | Violation of contract Case settled by the parties |
| Nov. 10 |Dan Eskridge c | James Hamilton w |Service rendered. Deft to pay $ 10 to Plt.|
| Nov. 11 | David Turner c | Rice Wells w | Violation of contract. Case settled no Bureau |
| Nov. 13 | Tyler Scott c | Ralph McElroy w | Services rendered. Deft to pay Plt. amt owed |
| Nov. 13 | Jary Robinson c | Ralph McElroy w | Services rendered. Deft to pay $ 17. |
| Nov. 14 | Mary Day c | S. Black w | Services rendered. Deft to pay $ 6 to Plt. |
| Nov. 14 |Fanny Jones c | Bill Boyd w | Services rendered. Deft did not appear | 
| Nov. 14 | Louis Williams c | Mrs. Waters w | Services rendered. Deft did not appear |
| Nov. 15 | Ellen Jenkins c | John Williams w | Services rendered. Deft to pay Plt $ 6 |
| Nov. 16| | Jennie Fletcher c | Frost Kelley w | Services rendered. Deft to pay Plt. $31.46. |
| Nov. 16 | Robert Norton c | S.L. Campbell w | Services rendered. Case settled by Deft paying Plt $26. |
| Nov. 17 | Jefferson Ranger c | George Davis w | Violation of contract. Deft to pay Plt $9.75 |
| Nov. 18 | John Simpson c | Mallas Davis w | Services rendered. Deft to pay Plt $7.10 |

Transcription Notes:
Table formatting note: one space before and after pipes delineating table cells: i.e. | 1st column | 2nd column | etc. | No need for empty cells between pipes. (unless cell is indeed empty, then leave 3 spaces between.) Def. = defendant Plt. = plaintiff (wasn't sure if this should be spelled out)