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"State the kind of crops raised and the condition of the same; whether the freed people work for monthly wages or as a portion of the crop and the customary amount of either."
Cotton and corn crops have been raised in this District. The cotton crops have been an entire failure, the corn crops only middling. Freedpeople have mostly been working for portions of the crops, for 1/3, when furnished with provisions, 1/2, when they furnished themselves. Monthly wages have been paid from $5.00 to $10.00


"Include in your Report the operations of the State laws as applied to freed people, with special reference to the Apprentice Law, Vagrant Law, and Law regulating labor."
The apprentice law and the vagrant law have, to my knowledge, not come into operation during December 1867.


"Report the difficulties you labor under in the performance of your duties and how the same may be remedied." 
The people of Shelby County and a portion of Sabine County are almost living on Indian principles, and it would be certain death to me if I attempted to travel through these parts.