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"Make such practical and judicious suggestions as will, in your opinion, render the operations of the Bureau more efficient, &c, &c.'

Many Complaints of great destitution among freedpeople have reached me from various parts of my district, and in this City there are many indigent persons (cold.) who from some physical infirmity are intirely unable to provide for their own sustenance. The commissioners of the Poor of the County, report to me, that there are no funds in the treasury, or other means to relieve this suffering, unless the General Commanding will grant the authority to levy a special tax for this purpose; I respectfully suggest that this be done if possible, or that some provision be made to issue rations for the support of the actually deserving.

Owing to the failure of the crop last year many planters are unable to provide food for their hands for the coming season, and I have received many applications for assistance. I suggest that provision be made for such cases, in some similar manner to that adopted by the Asst. Commissioner of the State of Louisiana, General Buchanan.