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[[4 columned table]]
| DATE. | NAME AND RACE OF PLAINTIFF. | NAME AND RACE OF DEFENDANT. | Complaint: Action taken by Courts and Bureau. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1868 Jany 2d | John Brooks, F.M. | Geo. Patten White M | That Patten threatened him, his wife & children, - Parties both present. Freedman's wife impetent to Patten, - dismissed complaint. |

| January 4th | Robert Steen F.M | Solomon Murphy F.M | That Murphy owes him Note for $70.00, - instructed Murphy to give Steen 70 Bushels Corn, - Corn paid - and redited on the Note, promised to pay balance when his Cotton was sold. |

| January 4th | Jack Lump & others F.M. | Will. M. Hines, W.M. | That Hines says, that he will keep their cotton, until they pay. - Both parties present. Hines perfectly willing to allow them to ship their own cotton, and advices them to do so |

| January 4th | Joe Belcher & others F.M. | Ogden, WM | Settlements for 1866 & 1867. Examined Accounts & instructed Freedmen, how much corn to pay Ogden. - both parties satisfied |

The above Cases were settled by Lieut James F. Hill 6th U.S. Cavalry, late Sub. Asst Comss. at this Post, before my assuming duty.