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"Report the disposition and feeling of the white people towards the freed people as expressed by words and actions."

About Tyler fair, but in the rest of the Sub District very bad:  Since the troops left they have threatened to "clean the blacks out" as soon as all of the "Yankees" leave:  The assaults on freedmen have been more numerous since the troops left than during the two previous months


"Report the feeling upon the subject of education; what steps have been taken to promote the same; what efforts the freed people are making in that direction and in what manner they may be assisted, &c. &c."

Within my knowledge the whites place no obstacles in the way of the freedpeople in their great desire to receive education, yet they give no assistance to that end.

The freedpeople are not making much effort to receive education, owing to the scarcity of money, caused by the bad cotton crop of last year

They can be assisted by the Bureau paying sufficient salaries to teachers to allow those not able to pay to attend free of charge