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"State the kind of crops raised, and the condition of the same; whether the freed people work for monthly wages as a portion of the crop, and the customary amount of either., 

Our Farmers & planters in this portion are Raising corn Wheat & cotton. the majority of the Freedpeople are working for part of the crop raised, or grown, and the amount of their wages is just as different as their dispositions. To which I will refer again, in this repoer. Crops are in many Localitys of my District injured by the Grasshoppers. 

"Include in your report the operations of the State laws as applied to freed people, with special reference to the Apprentice Law, Vagrant Law, and Law regulating labor."

The apprentice Law is not respected at all in this the 39th District.  All contract made with Freedpeople is approved by the Sub Asst Comm  B.R.F.&.A.L.  and the Vagrant Law is applied to all alike regardless of Race or color.

 "Report the difficulties you labor under in the performance of your duties, and how the same may be remedied."

Since I  received Gen order No 4 I have been getting along very well. But in the absence of said Order, I had my toes stepped on a few times only.  I apprehend no danger but what I shall now be able to bring parties to justice, I still have some confidence in our citizens altho some of them are Disloyal as the, Devil,