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[[7 columned table]]
| NAME OF TEACHER | Is Teacher Paid by Bureau? | School-where located. | Total Pupils attending day School. | Total Pupils attending night School. | | Total Pupils attending Sunday School. | REMARKS. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

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I have had but little to do since my arrival here. I have defended two freedmen in the Justice Court for stealing, and have had given a number of minor case at my Office. next month I anticipate a good deal of work [[strikethrough]] met [[/strikethrough]] as I find that a great many of the freedmen have not been able to effect a settlement of the last years crops. In disposing of cases in my Office. I follow as closely as possible the mode found in the civil courts but endeavor to dispose in equity rather than the law.
My office hours are from 8 to 12 am and from 2 to 6 PM.