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So far as I can learn, there seems to be at the present time, a good feeling existing between the two races of this county; the freedmen have done remarkably well in making the best of this year, and the respectable men of the county seem to appreciate their good behavior, but said its as in this county as well as in every other, a few men who are desperate to take all the advantages they can of the freedmen. I prefer to watch those men. 

I do not know the feeling of the White people generally of this county in regard to freedmen schools, but the freedmen themselves seem to be indifferent in regard to it. A Mr Webber of Seguin has been here with me and endeavors to establish a school, but failed the freedman having no money to support one. I have no doubt but a large school could be raised here in the fall or as soon the freedmen begin to realize something for this years labor

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