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[[4 columned table]]
|     |     |     |     |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 8th | Doc Williams  C B | Tim McCollouch CB | Assault. Fined $1.00 and cost |
| 9th | L. Hamilton  C M |     | Vagrancy and using abusive language to persons on the streets. Fined $2.00 and cost committed to Jail for 15 days |
| 9th | Jack Claben  C M  Sam Harris  C M | L. Daves  C M  | Embezzling 27 50/100 from Daves $200. Bail to appear before courts committed to Jail in default of Bail |
| 10th | Dan Chapman  C M   Geo Ford C M   Alsbury Davis | John Campbell  C M | Assaulting and striking doing him bodily harm Ford and Daves discharged Chapman Fined $10 and costs |
| 10th | Henry Fields | Joe Slaughter  C M | Embezzling $35 and carrying a Bowie Knife. Dismissed at the cost of Slaughter committed to Jail in default of payment |
| 10th | Bill Powers  C M | Emmett Boyd  C M | Assault and Battery. dismissed at cost of Boyd. |
| 14th | Caroline Curtis  C W  Francis Warren  C W  Maria Francis  C W |     | Vagrancy and street walking. Fined $2 and costs, each committed to Jail for 6 days. |
| 30th. | Caroline Johnson | Eliza Burns | Assaulted and beating case dismissed at cost of Burns |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-14 11:06:27 C M = Colored Man C B = Colored Boy C W = Colored Woman Caroline Johnson - at bottom, is not part of the three above her.