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[[7 columned table]]
| NAME OF TEACHER. | By whom is Teacher paid? | School——where located. | Total Pupils attending Day School. | Total Pupils attending Night School. | Total Pupils attending Sunday School. | REMARKS. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Hugh Ames | Patrons mostly | Hallettsville | 56 | 00 | 110 |   |

"Give a statement of the official business transacted during the month; its nature and your method of disposing of the same.  State your office hours; the number of days absent from office, if any, and reason for the same."
Very little business has been transacted this month, a few cases of civil action for debt have been disposed of, no complaint of violation of penal laws.

"State the number of Troops at your Post and the necessity for the same; whether or not the freed people would be secure if they were removed; in other words will the civil authorities protect them and give them justice? &c."
No troop here, nor can I say that there is [[strikethrough]] any [[/strikethrough]] a necessity for any The Civil officers are doing their duty generally. There are some arrest that have not been made by the Sheriff, but it is because the parties keep concealed, troops could do no more than he has done

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-13 09:05:27 a lot of copy paste errors - the forms are not always identical ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-13 04:34:20