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[[4 columns]]
| DATE | NAME AND RACE OF CRIMINAL. | NAME AND RACE OF PERSON INJURED. | Nature of offence; Statement of circumstances; Action taken by Courts and Bureau, &c., &c. |
| --- | --- | --- | ---|

| Nov 9/68 | W. White. Col'd & L.M. Queen (Cold) Tried by E B Ratcliff Justice of the Peace { |   | These Defdts were charged with committing an [[?]] to which they plead not guilty after hearing the evidence the Court found them guilty - & fined them $2 50/100 each & cost. |

| Nov 19/68 | Jacob Vandermeer (White). Tried before E.B. Ratcliff Justice of the Peace and a Jury of twelve men - { |   | This defdt was charged with stealing 2 hogs the property of Jerry Williams (Cold) to which he plead not guilty - after hearing the evidence they Jury found him not guilty and he was discharged by the Court - |