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[[4 columned table]]
| DATE | NAME AND RACE OF PLAINTIFF. | NAME AND RACE OF DEFENDANT. | Complaint: Action taken by Courts and Bureau. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Novr 2nd | Andy. Carr. Fmc | Berry Wright w. | action on a/c for cotton 1867. Judgment for deft. |

| Novr 9th | Bob Kerksly Fmc | Thos W Wells. w. | action for non compliance with contract 1868. Judgement for pltff 300$ |

| Novr 14 | S Petty Fmc | C. Petty Fmc | action for value of horse Judge for deft by default. |

| Novr 14 | J. Wright Fmc | T.W. Mills w. | action for damage & non Compliance with ctract 1868. Judgt for deft. |

| Novr 28 | Thos Huff w. | S. North Fmc | Act for damages. 1868 compromised, |

| Novr 21 | Frank Shala Fmc | H. Walter fmc | action for debt Judgt for Pltf. by deflt. |

| Novr 14 | G Shas Fmc | W H Chatt w | action for cotton Judgt for Pltff. |

| Novr 28 | Tom Jones fmc | Ed Hoseman fmc | act for debt compromised |

| Nov 28 | G Hayes fmc. | G G Hayes w. | act for debt compromised |