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[[newspaper clipping]] [[image]] Formerly a warrant officer (J.G.), Frederick A. Hubbard, of Tronto, Ont., and Detroit, Mich, has been promoted to the rank of chief warrant officer. He is adjutant of the station hospital at the Tuskegee Army Air Field. [[image]] 2nd Lt. Louise V. Lomax Nottoway, Va. 16 First (1st) tooth extracted at age of 23 & 11 months 21 days. (Jan 20, 1944. [[image]] LT. AND MRS. MAURICE PAGE who were snapped during a recent visit of the officer to the city to see his wife. Mrs. Page has lived here for some time having come to the city from California. Mr. Page is a flyer, stationed at Tuskegee Army Air Field. ?/ "TO THEE OH WETUMPKA KID" ($) by H. Barrington Woolcock /*"By the Kid" 1 May thy days be many and thy strength increased. May thy heart filled with love and wisdom guides thee to the fold. May thy soul filled with harmony enriches the self, as thy life leads on to journey,s end. 2 Thou hast filled the hunger with good things, thou has filled many dates when called upon, and have given gladness to the lives of other men,s women. Thou hast even enrichen their lives and make them happy; though has given them new energy and make them stronger. 3 THOU GREAT and loyal WETUMPKA KID: Thou Power of Powers and Lover of all Lovers. Thou has been great from the beginning of time, but thou art even greater now as the kid himself. Thou alone can satisfy the hunger of passionate hearts and make them tingle. Though alone can reach within the depth of their loneliness and give them joy; though alone can do these things. 4 For years thou has sought thy many victories and conquered; but now that thy battles are increased and thy enemies are many, thy strength and will must be applied if thou shoud,st maintain this thy envied title. 5 OH KID? THOU KID? Thou faithful kid of WETUMPKA, carry on in "Zuma" as though art now doing. Carry on they fine and splendid work to satisfy thy soul as 6 Kid, thou art supernal, thou are satisfying: thou are even sweeter than honey and the honeycomb. If thou should,st depart now from thy marvelous work then the heart which thou are now training to love the would suffer even greater than thine own. 7 Praise not thyself however brave kid. Praise not thy noble work too well until thou art able to prove to self that thou are able to continue in satisfying the queen, by doing the little things in widening her Throne. 8 Farewell to arms brave kid, but always keep thyself ready when emergencies and necessities calleth thee. In such instances be the master of thy sword. In such instances be also the firm master of thy bodily actions, soul, and mind; in such instances be Maste of the Queen herself, for in so doing thine actions will constantly enrichen her soul. 9 Though nights may come and shadows fall, thine actions thou should,st not befall. There will be dreams of thy many actions; there will be dreams to be brought It is up to thee, and thee alone, to maintain thy royal crown... Thou Wetumbka Kid.
Transcription Notes:
image - Photo CWO Frederick A. Hubbard.
image - Photo 2nd Lt. Louise V. Lomax.
image - Photo Lt. Maurice Page and wife. Page, Maurice R. 43-G-SE 7/28/1943 2nd Lt. 0809251 Los Angeles CA