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Charming, beautiful, gracious ladies,
Borrowed from the Goddess of Mirth,
Enter into the feastivity with every fibre 
in your body.
For 'twill make some soldier happy.

Capricious, impetuous little bundles of sweets,
Should some soldier mistake the look in your eyes,
And perhaps press you closer __ or say, challenge
your glance,
Don't stomp his toes, or ignore his apology,
For it will make that soldier unhappy.

Petit, demure, and godlike, whichever you may be,
Sweethearts, tonight of the 99th.,
From near and distant places,
This night is yours,
To ever remember,
For 'twill make some soldier happy.



Dance...2000 to 2400 O'clock
1. The dance will be formally opened by Lieut. Col. Davis, with the number, Stardust.
2. 0815 Pm to 0945 Dancing, two periods of ten minute intervals of the following dances:
a. One-stop.
b. Two-stop.
c. Conga.
d. Waltz. 
e. Specialty (by the Orchestra).

3. Between the hours of 0945 Pm and 1045 Pm, the following contests will be conducted:
a. Jitterbug.
b. Selection of the "Best looking couple".
c. Selection of the "Most attractive girl".
Prizes will be awarded to the individual winners of the above contests, during this period.

4. Special dances for the following sections of the 99th.
a. Radio.
b. Armorers.
c. Office, Medical staff and administrative Supply
d. A M's (Airplane mechanics.)
e. Service and Ordnance Detachments.
f. Officers.
g. 15 minutes Band Specialty.

5. Finale - The Star Spangled Banner.