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[[distin]]guishing her from others); and did not withdraw till four in the morning: when he delicately assured my father that he placed a price on this entertainment superior to every other with which he had been honoured. I had my share in his attentions: and, the next day, he did not forget me in a magnificent present which he sent to my father. 

He remained eight days longer at Smyrna, during which time I did not perceive the slightest difference in the conduct of Elizabeth. False, with immoveable nerve, she preserved to the last the perfidious art which had insnared me; and never had she caressed her benefactor, her deliverer, her lover, with such tendernesss as in the moment in which she was about to abandon him to despair!

In the evening preceding the day appointed for Ibrahim's departure, my father and I went to take our leave of him. He received us at his public audience. After the usual ceremonies, we retired, and I thought I had bade him an eternal adieu.

We returned to my father's house. Elizabeth was unusually chearful, and this evening was delicious to my soul. I wasted my heart in love; and, drunk with pleasure and happiness, I only quitted her to cast myself into the arms of sleep.

My sleep breathed the joy and tranquillity

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