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98  Juvenile Letters.[[Italicized]]

"als for that purpose than two hard sulphur- 
"ous stones. This, by long friction and hard 
"knocking, produced a few sparks, which at 
"length communicated to some touchwood; 
"but as this method was attended with great 
"trouble, and not always with success, she 
"did not suffer her fire to go out all the 
     I am, dear Laura,
        Yours, most affectionately,
Miss Laura Lyttleton. [[Italicized]]


From Miss LOUISA SIDNEY to Miss AMELIA ARMSTRONG. [[Italicized]]
                     Portsmouth, Jan. 1st, 1803.
     I AM sorry to commence our correspondence with so mournful a tale, as that which must be the subject of this letter. How shall I begin the painful task!
Juvenile Letters. [[Italicized]]  99

     Amelia, the fairest part of this lately flourishing town now lies in ruins! Last Saturday morning, just before the break of day, a fire broke out in the bank, which soon communicated to the adjacent buildings, and baffled all exertions to resist its rage, till its devouring flames had reduced to ashes nearly one fourth of all the buildings.
     Fortunately for myself, and my uncle's family, with whom I reside, his house stood in a direction most favourable on account of the wind. I had a full view of the dreadful conflagration during the whole time ; but vain would be my attempts to paint to your imagination the horrors of that awful scene. Conceive the inhabitants all buried in sleep, and suddenly roused by the dismal cry of fire [[Italicized]]! Think of men, women, and children running hither and thither, not knowing where or for what purpose. See them flying before the destroyer, ignorant of the fate of their friends! Women shrieking, children crying, mothers distracted for their offspring, and repeating their names with loud lamentations! Many 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-05 16:06:27