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habitants of Canton, who are of a dark copper; or from the dark olive or swarthy colour of the Desert Arabia, to the black of the province of Yemen.

From these observations it results, that the causes of colour and of other varieties in the human species have not yet had their full operation on the inhabitants of the United States. Such an operation, however, they have had as affords a striking proof and an interesting example of the powerful influence of climate.*

[[margin note]]government; and, being few in number, and chiefly of the military order, have had no sensible effect on the character of the population. They form a part of the soldiery of the empire, or rather of the guards of the prince; they have never become cultivators of the soil. [

*The reader will always bear in mind that in remarking on the changes which have passed on the Anglo-Americans, I have in view chiefly the natives of the second and third generation from their European ancestors, or even a more distant posterity of there be such. Although a few exceptions from each remark may be pointed out, yet they will not be regarded as sufficient to overthrow conclusions drawn from the great mass of population. They will be much more rare in the Low Countries near the sea, in the middle and southern states, where the climate differs more from that of Europe, than in the northern portion of the Union, or the western counties of the southern[[/margin note]]


Before leaving the illustration of this article it may contribute to confirm the doctrine of the power of climate to affect the human complexion, to point out, in a few instances, its operation on the colour of the inferior animals. Analogy often affords a solid ground of reasoning. And, on this subject, we may strengthen our conclusions by analogous facts which are known to take place in different species of the animal tribes. It has been remarked by several writers, that, whether we ought to ascribe the effect to any peculiar constitution of the atmosphere, or to the manner of feeding, swine, in the province of Normandy in France, are universally white; in Suabia in Germany, on the other hand, they are every where black; while they are seen only of a chesnut brown in Bavaria. Cattle of the beeve kind are in Hungary of a whitish grey; which is likewise the case in the northern parts of Syria; except, that the Syrian cattle are whiter than the Hungarian. In the coun-

[[margin note]]states, where the country rises into high hills, and is diversified with ranges of lofty mountains. Here the character of the climate is less removed from that of Britain, or of the middle of Europe. And in the western parts of the middle and southern states the population is more mingled with recent emigrants from Ireland and Germany.[[/margin note]]

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