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Having treated so largely of the form of this excrescence in those regions where it deviates farthest from the common law of the species, I proceed to consider other varieties of the human person which occur in different portions of the globe. 

The whole Tartar race, except a few small tribes who have probably migrated into that country from other regions, are of lower stature than their southern neighbours on the continent of Asia, or than the people of the temperate latitudes of Europe. Their heads are large ; -their shoulders raised ;-and their necks short ;-their eyes are small, and appear, by the great projection of the eye-brows, to be sunk in the head ; -the nose is short, and is not so prominent as the same feature in the Europeans; the cheek is elevated; the face, somewhat depressed in the middle, and spread out toward the sides ;-and the whole appearance and expression of the countenance is harsh and uncouth. All these deformities are aggravated as we proceed towards the pole, in the Laponian, Borandian, and Samoiede races, which, as Buffon justly remarks, are only Tartars reduced to the last degree of degeneracy. A race of men resembling the Laplanders in many of their lineaments and qualities, is found in a similar climate

in America. The frozen countries round Hudson's bay are as cold as Lapland or Kamtschatka. The few wretched natives who inhabitant these inhospitable regions do not exceed five feet in height,- their heads are large ,-their eyes are small and weak,-and their hands and feet are remarkably diminutive.*

These effects are natural consequences of the extreme cold of their climate, combined with the hardships to which they are necessarily exposed in those frozen and sterile regions, from the deficiency, and poverty of their food, and their total want of every art by which they might protect themselves from the rigors of a polar winter. A moderate temperature of climate contributes to give tone and vigor to the body, and to expand it to the largest volume.

[[footnote]]*These wretched and feeble people, although they have a great affinity in their appearance with the Laponians and the Greenlanders, are, however, still more degenerate , arising perhaps from their more wretched means of subsistence. Some savage tribes very similar in their appearance have been discovered in the high northern latitudes on the western coast of this continent, and in the islands lying in those seas which divide the continents of America and Asia where they approach nearest to one another. They will probably be found hereafter to extend entirely across the American continent in those latitudes.[[/footnote]]

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