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FREER, To Smithsonian Institution, Dr. Deroit, January 23rd, 1911 19 Address Washington, D. C. [[2 Columned Table]] | --- | --- | | For this amount as a fund, additional to that advanced on May 4th, 1909 and August 5th, 1910, to be used for the payment of freight, etc. on shipments received at Smithsonian Institution for Mr. Freer's account, | 500 00 | | Amount advanced on May 4th, 1090, by Voucher #10 May, $500.00 Less, amount paid out by the Smithsonian Institution up to August 2nd, 1910 for Mr. Freer's account in matters of freight and other incidental expenses on shipments made from various points and by various parties for Mr. Freer's account with the Institution, as per Mr. Freer's letter of August 4th,1910 attached to Voucher #5 August, 1910, 325.79 $174.21 | Amount advanced on Aug. 5th, 1910, by Voucher #5 Aug., 250.00 Balance to Mr. Freer's credit on the books of the Institution, as of August 5th, 1910, $424.21 | | Correct, G. W. Alger Approved C L Freer RECEIVED OF CHARLES L. FREER, Five hundred and 00/100 DOLLARS, IN FULL OF THE ABOVE ACCOUNT. [[stamp]] JAN 2d 1911 [[/stamp]] 19 C D Walcott [[stamp]] SECRETARY, SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, [[/stamp]]
Transcription Notes:
Not sure of the signature of the secretary- any idea?
Edited - Charles D. Walcott.
Reopened for Editing 2023-05-26 06:59:08