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CHARLES L. FREER, To Corcoran Gallery of Art, Dr. Detroit, February 20th, 1911 19 Address Washington, D.C. [[2 Columned Table]] | --- | --- | | For this amount to return to the Corcoran Gallery of Art, the amount received from it on December 12th, 1910 in settlement of a bill dated December 9th, 1910, rendered at request of Mr. V. G. Fischer, Washington, in Mr. Freer's absence from Detroit for cost of telegraphing and cabling in connection with borrowing pictures from Mr. Freer for Corcoran Gallery of Art Exhibition which opened November 26th, 1910, and which refund is now made at the request of Mr. Freer in a letter dated Shanghai, China, January 13th, 1911; | 41 56 | Correct, G. W. Alger Approved, C L Freer RECEIVED OF CHARLES L. FREER, Forty-one and 56/100 DOLLARS, IN FULL OF THE ABOVE ACCOUNT. February 23rd, 1911 F. B. McGaines DIRECTOR OF THE CORCORAN GALLERY OF ART.
Transcription Notes:
you dont count columns if no header and/or row entries
Reopened for Editing 2023-05-25 16:24:50