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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan.
February 27, 1911.

R. Rathbun, Esq.,
Assistant Secretary, Smithsonian Institution,
in charge of National Museum,
Washington, D. C.

My dear Sir:

Your telegram, relative to re-measurement of the long makimono case made in three sections, was received by me late Saturday afternoon and your two letters of February 25th on the same subject were received this morning. I appreciate very much your prompt response to my letter of the 24th instant.

Now that the long makimono case measures all right, the only questions at variance with Mr. Freer's order to the Bisle Company seem to be the poorly finished metal work on this case, and the heights of the 16" wide cases.

I note from your letter that the superintendent informs you he does not believe the glass in the middle section could be replaced, in Washington, in view of the special character of the fittings, and I have so written the Biele Company and will advise you further in the matter when I hear from you.

As I am still under the impression that the Biele Company has made a mistake in the heights of the 16" wide show cases, I have decided to lay the met-