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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
March 6th, 1911

Messrs Yamanaka & Company,
254 Fifth Avenue,
New York, N. Y.


Acknowledging receipt of your favor 3rd instant, enclosing bill for freight, &c. Kioto, Japan, to New York on a Kakemono and Pottery Bowl purchased by Mr. Freer from your Kioto House while in Japan last Fall, I beg to advise you that these Art Objects were delivered to Mr. Freer's house in good condition to-day, and I have pleasure in handing you, enclosed herewith, draft on New York to your order for $15.40, in settlement of your bill.

Kindly receipt and return Mr. Freer's voucher, to

Very truly yours,
(Signed) George W. Alger
