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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
August 29th, 1910.

Mr. K. Katen,
Care, Naser, Katen & Nahass,
85 Washington Street,
New York, N. Y.

Dear Sir:-

In Mr. Freer's absence, I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 25th instant addressed to him, enclosing a letter from Mr. N. Ohan, Jerusalem.

The six boxes of porcelain, mentioned in your letter, were also received this morning in good condition.

Mr. Freer left Detroit August 11th on a trip to the Orient, expecting to be absent from home several months, and as I am not authorized to accept the porcelain in Mr. Freer's absence, I am forwarding your and Mr. Ohan's letters, together with a brief description of the objects, on to him at Peking, China, for his instructions in the matter.

In the meantime, if you wish, I shall keep the objects safely stored in a vault, and immediately upon receiving advice from Mr. Freer, you shall hear from me.

Yours very truly,
(Signed) George W. Alger

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-30 16:12:51