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ماري عمان: القدس 

Telegr. Address: -OHAN, JERUSALEM.
القدس لأن التلغراف
اوهان القدس

Jerusalem July 27th 1910

Charles L. Freer Esqr.

Dear Sir
I beg to inform you of the position in time to say, that, I am sending you by today's mail 6 Boxes containing 25 pieces of Old Arabic porcelain through my agent Mr. K. Katen the cost will be $75 (Seventy five Dollars) which I hope they will answer the purpose of our collection.

I am trying to obtain some unique curiosities and send them to you.

The pavement is made of pottery and stone painted and inlaid with old, Arabic carving for decorating walls etc. etc. and were mostly taken from the Mosque of Omar (The Old site of Solomon's Temple) 
Please remember that such a complete set is not – always obtainable, but was a chance to get this time
Hoping to hear from you with my best thanks
I remain dear Sir
Yours very respectfully
N. Ohan

Transcription Notes:
Reopened for Editing 2023-05-28 04:53:55 - pls transcribe Arabic ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-31 08:32:55