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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
December 16th, 1910

Richard Rathbun, Esq.,
Assistant Secretary in charge of 
United States National Museum,

Washington, D. C.

My dear Sir:-
Let me thank you for your kind letter of December 14th, received this morning, and for the prompt action taken by you in regard to the shipment of Art Objects referred to in my letter of 12th instant. I hope you will also extend to Doctor Walcott our thanks for the trouble he has taken in the matter.
In regard to the show cases shipped to the National Museum by the Biele Company and November 30th - I am still under the impression that an error has occurred in the dimensions of the eight foot case. Mr. Freer's order for this case reads: " 96" long glass " . You have very kindly informed me that this case measures 96" long including the wooden framework about the glass, which framework projects beyond the glass nearly an inch at each end. This, I believe, makes the glass of this case approximately 94" long instead of 96" long, as order by Mr. Freer. I have written the Biele Company about this, and have also asked them the reason for the scanting in most of the measurements, ranging from 1/16 to 1/4 of an inch, referred to in your letter.
I am greatly indebted to you for the pains you have taken in connection with these show cases, and beg to remain,

Very truly your,
(Signed) George W. Alger