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Established 1867
All agreements subject to delay by accidents, strikes, or manufacturing contingencies beyond my control
Charles F.Biele & Sons Co.
Successors To
Charles F.Biele, 
Manufacturer of
Show Cases AND Store Fixtures
For export & Home trade
Bank and office Fixtures
Metal Mouldings and Sash Bars
"All-Glass" Cases 
Contractor for Complete Store Outfits 
379 & 381 West 12th Street
Through to 120 & 122 Jane St.
New York        Dec. 23, 1910

Mr. Charles L. Freer
Detroit, Michigan.
Mr. George W. Alger,

Dear Sir;-
Replying to your favor of the 21st inst. relative to the 8'0" case, while we feel the difference in length will make no appreciable  difference, we must admit having made an error in making this case 94" glass long as customary, instead 96" glass as ordered and of course stand ready to make it good in case there is any question about it.
The small table for Detroit has been ready, in the box, for some time but was held for some brackets and shelves which are also to go to Detroit, thus making one shipment. These brackets and shelves (from the Pottery Cases) will be ready in a few days and will then be shipped with the table unless you wish separate shipment made of this small table.
Yours truly.
Charles F. Biele & Sons Co.
Case 7 Bill                 V.P