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sorry' cause my wicked heart don't know how make it better. When I go sleep, then dream I can read good book: dream I read there, Sarah must be born' gain : in morning keep thinking what that word mean. When husband go work, run over my good nabor, ask her if Bible say so.

14 'Then she read me, where that great man go see Jesus by night, 'cause fraud go in day time. I think he just like Sarah. She must go in secret, to hear 'bout Jesus, else husband be angry, and beat her. Then feel courage in mind, determined to have Jesus for friend. So ask labor how get good heart. She tell me, give your heart to Jesus, he will give Holy Spirit, make it better. Sarah don't know what she mean--never hear bout Holy Spirit.

15. She say must go Meetin next Sunday, she will tell minister bout me--he tell me what to do. So Sarah go hear how must be born gain; minister say, you must go fall down fore God; tell him you grieved cause you sin--tell him you want better heart--tell him for Christ Jesus sake give Holy Spirit, make your heart new. Then Sarah go home light, 'cause she know the way. When get home, husband beat me 'cause I go Meetin--don't stay home work. I say Sarah can't work any more on Sunday, 'cause sin 'gainst God. I rather work nights when moon shine. So he drive me hoe corn that night he so angry. I want to pray great deal, so go out hoe corn, pray all the time.

16. 'When come in house, husband sleep. Then I kneel down and tell Jesus take my bad heart--can't bear bad heart; pray give me Holy Spirit, make my heart soft, make it all new. So great many days Sarah go beg for a new heart. Go Meetin all Sundays; if husband beat me, never mind it; go hear good nabor read Bible every day So after great while, God make all my mind peace. I love Jesus; love pray to him; love tell him all my sorrows; He take away my sorrow, make all my soul joy; only sorry 'cause can't


read Bible--learn how to be like Jesus; want to be like his dear people Bible tell of.

17. 'So I make great many brooms; go get Bible for 'em. When come home, husband call me fool for it; say he burn it up. Then I go hid it; when he gone, get it, kiss it many times 'cause it Jesus' good word. Then I go ask nabor if she learn me read; she say yes. Then I go many days learn letters, pray God all the while help me learn read his holy word. So, Misse, I learn read Baptist hymn; learn to spell out many good words in Bible.

18. 'So every day take Bible, tell my children that be God's word, tell 'em how Jesus die on cross for sinner: then make 'em all kneel down, I pray God give them new heart; pray for husband too, he so wicked. O how I sorry for him, fear his soul go in burning flame.'

19. 'Sara,' said I, ' how long did your husband live?' 'O he live great many year.' Did he repent and become a good man? 'No, Misse, I 'fraid not; he sin more and more. When he get sick I in great trouble for him; talk every day to him, but he no hear Sarah. I say, how can you bear go in burning fire, where worm never die, where fire never go out. At last he get angry, bid me hold my tongue. So I don't say any more, only mourn over him every day 'fore God.

20. 'When he die, my heart say, Father, they will be done--Jesus do all things well. Sarah can't help him now, he be in God's hands; all is well. So then give my heart all away to Jesus, tell him I be all his; serve him all my life; beg Holy Spirit come fill all my heart, make it all clean and white like Jesus. Pray God help me learn more of his sweet work.

21. 'And now, Sarah live poor Indian widow great many long year: always find Jesus friend, husband, brother, all. He make me willing suffer; willing live great while in this bad world, if he see best. 'Bove all, he give me great good hope of glory when I die. So now I wait patient till my change come.'