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22. While she was giving this narration her countenance bore strong testimony to the diversified emotions of her soul. I might greatly swell the list of particulars; but I design only to give the outlines of an example, which would have done hounour to the highest sphere in life; and which, in my opinion, is not the less excellent, or the less worthy of imitation, because shrouded in the veil of poverty and sorrow. It was evident she meditated much on what little she knew of divine things: and what she knew of God's word was to her like honey and the honey comb.

23. She was in the habit of bringing bags of sand into the village, and selling it for food. Sometimes she brought grapes and other kinds of fruit. Bust as she walked by the way, she took little notice of any thing that passed, (except children, whom she seldom passed without an affectionate work of exhortation to be good, say their prayers, learn to read God's work, &c. accompanied with a bunch of grapes or an apple. Thus she engaged the affection of many a little heart,) but seemed absorbed in meditation; and you might often have observed her hands uplifted, in the attitude of prayer. One day, after having observed her as she came, I asked her how she could bring such heavy loads, old as she was, and feeble.

24. 'O,' said she, 'when I get great load, then I go pray God give me strength to carry it. So I go on, thinking all the way how good God is give his only Son die for poor sinner; think how good Jesus be, suffer so much for such poor creature; how good Holly Spirit was, come into my bad heart, make it all new: so these sweet thoughts make my mind so full joy, I never think how heavy sand be on my old back.' Here, said I to my heart, learn how to make the heavy load of iron cares easy.

25. One day she passed with a bag of sand. On her return she called on me; I inquired how much Mrs. ---- gave her for the sand. She was unwilling to tell, and I feared she was unwilling lest I should withhold my accustomed mite, on account of what she 


had already received; I therefore insisted she should let me see. She at length consented, and I drew from the bag a bone, not containing meat enough for half a meal. 'Is this all? Did that rich woman turn you off so? How cruel, how hard-hearted,' I exclaimed! 'Misse,' she replied, 'this made me 'fraid let you see it; I 'fraid you be angry: I hope she have bigger heart next time, she forgot now, that Jesus promise to pay her all she give Sarah. Don't be angry, I pray God to give her a great deal bigger heart.'

26. The conviction that she possessed in an eminent degree the Spirit of Him, who said, 'bless them that curse you,' and prayed for his murderers, rushed upon my mind with energy, and I could compare myself in some measure to those who said 'shall we command fire to come down from Heaven,' &c. I think I never felt deeper self-abhorrence and abasement: I left her for a moment, and from the few comforts I possessed, gave her a considerable portion. She received them with the most visible marks of gratitude--arose to depart, went to the door, and then turned, looking me in the face with evident concern.

27. Sarah, said I, what would you have, (supposing she wanted something I had not thought of, and feared to ask.) 'O my good Misse,' said she, 'nothing, only 'fraid your big heart feel some proud, 'cause you give more for nothing than Misse ---- for sand.'--This faithfulness, added to her piety, and gratitude, completed the swell of feeling already rising in my soul, and bursting into tears, I said, O Sarah! when you pray that Mrs. ---- may have a bigger heart, don't forget to pray that I may have a humbler one. 'I will, Misse, I will,' she exclaimed with joy, and hastened on her way.

28. Another excellence in her character, was, that she loved the habitation of God's house and often appeared there, when from bad weather or other causes, many a seat of affluence was empty. She was always early, ever clean and whole in her apparel, though sometimes almost as much diversified with patches as