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undertaking, and believing it to be his duty to use a part of what God had given him for the benefit of his unhappy race, he embarked in his own brig, manned entirely by persons of colour, and sailed to Africa, the land of his forefathers.

9. When he arrived at Sierra Leone, he had many conversations with the governor and principal inhabitants. From thence he sailed to England where he met with great attention and respect; and being favoured with an opportunity of opening his views to the Board of Managers of the African Institution, they cordially united with him in all his plans. This mission to Africa was undertaken at his own expense, and with the purest motives of benevolence. 

10. He was very desirous of soon making another voyage, but was prevented by the war, which took place between England and America. In 1815, however, he made preparations and took on board his brig thirty-eight persons of colour, and after a voyage of fifty five days, arrived safe at his destined port  These persons were to instruct the inhabitants of Sierra Leone in farming and the mechanic arts.  His stay at this time was about two months, and when he took his leave, particularly of those whom he had brought over, it was like a father leaving his children, and with pious admonition commending them to the protection of God. 

11. He was making arrangements for a third voyage, when he was seized with the complaint which terminated his labours and his life. He was taken ill in the winter, and died in autumn following, 1817, in the fifty-ninth year of his age. To the benefit of his African brethren he devoted a portion of his youthful acquisitions, of his later time, and even the thoughts of his dying pillow. 

12. As a private man, he was just and upright in all his dealings. He was an affectionate husband, a kind father, a good neighbour, and a faithful friend  He was pious without ostentation, and warmly attached to 


the principles of the Society of Friends, of which he was a member, and sometimes expressed a few sentences in their meetings which gave general satisfaction.  Regardless of the honours and pleasures of the world, he followed the example of his divine Master in going from place to place doing good, looking not for a reward from man, but from his heavenly Father.
13. Thus walking in the ways of piety and usefulness, and in the enjoyment of an approving conscience, when death appeared, it found him in peace, and ready to depart. Such a calmness and serenity overspread his soul, and showed itself in his countenance, that the heart of even the reprobate might feel the wish, "let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his." 

14. A short time before he expired, feeling sensible that his end was near, he called his family together. It was an affecting and solemn scene. His wife and children, with several other relations being assembled around him, he reached forth his feeble hand, and after embracing them all, and giving them some pious advice, he commended them to the mercies of God, and bid them a final farewell. 

15. After this, his mind seemed almost entirely occupied with the eternal world. To one of his neighbours who came to visit him, he said, "Not many days hence and ye shall see the glory of God; I know that my works are gone to judgment before me, but it is all well, it is all well." 

16. He lived the life, and died the death of a Christian. He is gone whence he shall never return, and where he shall no more contend with raging billows, and with howling storms.  His voyages are all over, he has made his last haven, and it was to that of eternal repose. Thither could we follow him we should learn the importance of fulfilling our duty to our Creator, to ourselves, and to our fellow-creatures. 

17. Such was his reputation for wisdom and integrity, that his neighbours consulted him in all their important concerns; and what an honour to the son of a 


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