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and was one of those that were carried out Delaware into the State of Virginia, and the laws of Delaware did say, that slaves carried out of the State should be free, and I asserted my right to freedom, for which I was put on board of a vessel and sent to Richmond, where I was put in jail, and in irons, and from thence sent in a wagon back into the country. On the third day after we left Richmond, in the bitterness of my heart I was induced to say, 'I am past all hope;' but it pleased the Father of mercy to look upon me, and he sent a strengthening thought into my heart - that He that made the heavens and the earth, was able to deliver me, I looked up to the sky, and then on the trees and ground, and I believed in a moment, that if He could make all these he was able to deliver me.

4. "Then did that Scripture come into my mind, They that trust in the Lord, shall never be confounded.' I believed it, and got out of the wagon unperceived, and went into the bushes. There were three wagons in company, when they missed me, they looked around sometime for me, but not finding me, they went on; and rain a considerable distance."

5. His trials and difficulties in getting along were many and various, but at Petersburgh he met with a man from his neighborhood, circumstanced like himself; they got a small boat, went down the James River, and landed on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay, and travelled to Hunting Creek, where their wives were. 'But says he, 'we found little or no satisfaction, for we were hunted like partridges on the mountains.'

6. His poor companion being threatened again with slavery, in attempting to escape, was pursued and killed. On which Solomon makes the following remarks, 'Now, reader, you have heard of the end of my fellow sufferer, but I remain as yet a monument of mercy, thrown up and down on life's tempestuous sea; some-times feeling an earnest desire to go away and be at 


rest; but I travail on, in hopes of overcoming at my last combat.'

7. 'It being thought best for me to leave Virginia, I went to Dover in Delaware, the distance of about one hundred and twenty miles.' By travelling into the night, and laying by in the day time, he at length reached that place, but not without great difficulty by being hunted and pursed.

8. In concluding this part of his narrative he says, "oh what pains God takes to help his otherwise helpless creatures. O that his kindness and care were more considered and laid to heart, and then there would not be that cause to complaint that 'the ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib, but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider'- but they would see that they were of more value than many sparrows; and that they are not their own, but bought with a price. Now, unto the King immortal, invisible; the only-wise God, be glory and honour, dominion and power, now and for ever. Amen."

9. In the second part of his narrative, written at the request of R.H., he proceeds by remarking that, "7th Month 24, 1799, I got to Camden, where my master soon came from Virginia and found me, though he had not seen me since he put me on board the back country wagon, near three or four hundred miles from Camden. Upon first sight he asked me what I was going to do? I said, 'How, master, I have suffered a great deal, and seen a great deal of trouble, I think you might let me go for little or nothing; he said, 'I wont do that, but if you will give me forty pounds bond and good security, you may be free.'

10. After much conversation between them on the subject of his right to freedom, he continued, "finally he sold my time for eighty dollars, and I went to work, and worked it out in a shorter time than he gave me, and then I was a free man. And when I came to think that the yoke was off my neck, and how it was taken off, I was made to wonder, and admire, and to adore the order of kind Providence, which assited me in all my way."


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