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to the West Indies. My mother was in the house at the time, but made her escape, leaving a child about eleven months old, which some kind friend carrying to her, she took and travelling through Delaware, went into New-Jersey.

19."We were separated about eighteen years, except that I once visited her, and carried her seventeen or eighteen dollars, which, in my circumstances, was a sacrifice, but I was favoured to find that satisfaction, which I esteemed more than time or money. Being thoughtful about my mother, I sent for her to come to the State of Delaware, and when we were brought together, it was very comfortable, and we could sit and tell of the dangers and difficulties we had been brought through: she lived to a great age, and departed without much complaint, like one falling asleep.

"An Account of my eldest daughter, Margaret, who died in the 24th year of her age.

20. "She was a pleasant child in her manners and behaviour, yet fond of gay dress, and new fashions: yet her mind as much inclined to her book, and to read good lessons. And it pleased the Father of mercy to open her understanding to see excellent things out of his law, and to convince her that it was his will she should be holy here, and happy hereafter: but custom, habit, and shame, seemed to chain her down, so that she appeared like one halting between two opinions.

21. "But about a month before she was taken for death, she went to a meeting, under a concern about her future state; and the meeting appeared to be favoured with the out-pouring of the spirit of love, and of power: Margaret came home under great concern of mind, and manifested a wonderful change in her manners and behaviour; I believe the whole family were affected at the sight of the alteration, which indeed appeared like that of the prodigal son coming home to his father: for my own part, I felt fear and great joy. Such was her delight to read the Bible, 


and ask the meaning of certain texts of Scripture, which evidenced a concern to make sure work for eternity. 

22. "In this frame of mind she was taken for death. She appeared very desirous to live for the first four weeks, but was very patient, and of a sweet temper and disposition all the time. I recollect but one instance when she was known to give away to peevish fretfulness; then I, feeling the evil spirit striving to get the advantage of her, very tenderly and earnestly admonished her not to regard trifles but to look to that Power which was able to save her; and from that time she became passive and resigned.

23. "The following two weeks her pain was great, and baffled all the force of medicine. A few days before her departure, she was urged with much brokenness of heart to make confession; when she was let into a view of the vanity of the world, with all its glittering snares; and said, she could not rest till her hair was cut off, for she said, I was persuaded to plait my hair against my father's advice, and I used to tie up my head when father would come to see me, and hide ruffles and gay dress from him, and now I cannot rest till my hair is cutt off.' I said, no, my daughter, let it be till thee gets well: she answered, "Oh! no, cut it now,' so I, to pacify her, took and cropped it.

24. "After this she appeared filled with raptures of joy, and talking of going, as if death had lost its sting; this was about three days before her departure; she seemed to have her senses as long as she could speak. A little before her speech left her, she called us all, one by one, held out her hand, bade us farewell, and looked as if she felt that assurance and peace that destroyed the fear of death; and while she held out her hands she earnestly charged us to meet her in heaven. Thus ends the account of Margaret Bayley, daughter of Solomon and Thames Bayley, who departed this life the 26th of 3d Month, 1821, aged nearly twenty-four years. 

25."I desire now to give the pious a brief account

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