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understood right, that all must die? the reply was "Go to your work." She continued thus exercised for a considerable time, earnestly desiring to know what she had to do, but had no one to give her instruction. In this tried state, the Lord was pleased to reveal himself, and impress on her untaught mind a belief in an Omnipotent and Omniscient Being, and that his law was written on the heart. Thus gradually becoming calm and settled, her confidence was made strong in him, who, hiding his council from the wise and prudent in their own eyes, "hath revealed them unto babes." And it is believed she was from that time guarded and careful in her conduct.
3. She married, and had two daughters, one of whom was taken at an early age, and placed at so great a distance from her that she never saw her after. The other died when about grown: and being also bereaved of her husband, she was very lonely; but under these trials she appears to have been sustained, as was David when he could say, "Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."
4. She was a member of the Methodist society, and a diligent attender of their meetings as long as her strength permitted.
5. When she was (as near as can be ascertained) about sixty-eight years of age, the "Clarkson Association for teaching coloured women to read and write," was established. And when she received the information, she offered herself as a scholar, but the teachers endeavoured to dissuade her, telling her she was too old to begin, as she did not know a letter, and her sight was so impaired as to require two pair of spectacles; she however urged admittance, stating that her only motive was a desire to be able to read the Bible and she believed "the Lord would help her," adding, "we are never too old to do good." And being admitted, she was very diligent in her attendance, and by great perseverance became able to read a little in the New Testament; and one with large print being given her, she prized it very highly, and would frequently


open to and read one of the chapters contained in Christ's sermon on the mount, calling it "the blessed chapter."
6. But notwithstanding her great desire to learn she did not allow her studies to interfere with her religious engagements; and the time for meeting with her class being fixed on one of the afternoons that the school was taught, rendered it inconvenient to her, but as the school commenced at three o'clock, and the meeting at four, the hour between she generally spent at the school, staying as long as would do, and then going as quickly as she could, to be punctual to the time. Sometimes she has been seen running, when she heard the clock strike, and found herself a little too late.
7. She was industrious and frugal, but being liberated late in life, she barely procured a subsistance; and for the last two or three years, being nearly past labour, was dependent on the benevolence of others: but at no time, however destitute and tried, did she lose her confidence in His power, "who provideth for the raven his food;" often saying at such seasons, "The Lord has been my helper, and I trust in him." And when any favour was conferred on her, she feelingly expressed her gratitude, yet mostly with reference to the Great Supreme, for giving her such kind friends.
8. At a certain time, a friend being unusually thoughtful about her, went to see how she was situated, taking with her a loaf of bread. She found her unable to go out, and without provision; and querying with her, "Zilpha, art thou here alone?" she replied, "No, I am never alone; my Master is with me. When I awake in the night season he talks with me. He has promised to take care of me, and he has done it: he has now sent me that loaf of bread." At another time she said to a person who visited her, "How good the Lord is; I have always something to eat, for if I take my last morsel, some one comes and brings me more before I want again."
9. Her understanding failed, so that for several weeks

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