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I was found in the morning. Being closely reprimanded by my master, he ordered me to be taken care of, and I was soon sold again. I then travelled through a very fertile country, where I saw cocoa nuts and sugar cane.

10. "All the people I had hitherto seen, resembled my own; and having learned a little of several languages, I could understand them pretty well: but now after six or seven months had passed away, from the time I was kidnapped, I arrived at the seat coast, and I beheld that element, which before I had no idea of. It also made me acquainted with such cruelties, as I can never reflect upon but with horror. The first object that met my sight was a slave ship riding at anchor, waiting for her cargo!

11. "When I was taken on board, being roughly handled and closely examined by these men, whose complexion and language differed so much from any I had seen, or heard before, I apprehended I had got into a world of bad spirits, which so overcame me that I fainted and fell. When I came to, their horrible looks, and red faces, frighted me again exceedingly. But I had no time to think much about it, before I was, with my of my poor country people, put under deck in a loathsome and horrible place. In this situation we wished for death, and sometimes refused to eat, and for this we were beaten. 

12. "After enduring more hardships than I can relate, we arrived at Barbadoes, in the West Indies. When taken on shore, we were put in a pen like so many beasts, from thence sold and separated - husbands and wives, parents and children, brothers and sisters, without any distinction: their cries excited some compassion in the hearts of those who were capable of feeling, but others seemed to feel no remorse, though the scene was so affecting. 

13. "I was with some others sent to America: when we arrived in Virginia, we were also sold and separated. Not long after, Captain Pascal coming to my master's, purchased me, and sent me on board his ship, 


called the Industrious Bee. I had not yet learned much of the English language, so that I could not understand their conversation; and some of them made me believe I was going home to Africa: this pleased me very much, and the kind treatment I received made me happy. But when we came in sight of England, I found they had deceived me. It was on board this ship I received the name of Gustavus Vassa.

14. "Having often seen my master, and a lad named Richard Baker, who was very kind to me, reading in books, I had a desire to do so, that I might find out how all things had a beginning. For that purpose, I often took a book, talking to it, and then placing it to my ear to hear what it would say; but when I found it remained silent, I was much concerned.

15. "The summer of 1757, I was taken by a pressgang, and carried on board a man of war. After passing about a year in this service, on the coast of France and in America, on my return to England, I received much kindness, was sent to school, where I learned to read and write. My master receiving the office of lieutenant on board one of those ships, took me with him up the Mediterranean. My desire for learning induced some of my shipmates to instruct me, so that I could read the Bible; and one of them, a sober man, explained many passages to me. 

16. "As I had now served my master faithfully several years, and his kindness had given me hopes that he would grant my freedom: when we arrived in England I ventured to tell him so, but he was offended, for he had determined on sending me to the West Indies. Accordingly, at the close of the year 1762, finding a vessel bound thither, he took me on board, and gave me in charge to the captain. I endeavoured to expostulate with him, by telling him he had received my wages, and all my prize money, but it was to no purpose. Taking my only coat from my back, he went off in this boat. I followed them with aching eyes, and a heart ready to burst with grief, until they were out of sight. 

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