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17. "The captain, whose name was Doran, treated me very kindly, but we had a tempestuous voyage. When we came in sight of Montserrat, remembering what I had seen in my first arrival from Africa, it chilled me to the heart, and brought nothing to my view but misery, stripes, and chains: and to complete my distress, two of the sailors robbed me of about eight guineas, which I had collected by doing little jobs on board the ships of war, and which I hid when my master took my coat.

18. "Having unladed the ship, and laded her again or sea, the captain sent for me. When, with trembling steps and a faultering heart, I came to him. I found him sitting with Mr. Robert King, a Quaker, and a merchant: when, after telling me the charge he had to get me a good master, said he had got me one of the best on the island. Mr. King also said he had bought me on account of my good character, (to maintain which I found to be of great importance) and that his home was in Philadelphia, where he expected soon to go, and he did not intend to treat me hard. He asked me what I could do. I answered I could shave and dress hair pretty well, and that I had learned to refine wines, I could write, and understood arithmetic as far as the rule of three.

19. "The character Captain Doran had given of my master, I found to be correct. He possessed an amiable disposition, was very charitable and humane. In passing about the Island, I had the opportunity of seeing the dreadful usage, and wretched situation of the poor slaves, and it reconciled me to my condition, and made me thankful for being placed with so kind a master. He was several times offered a great price for me, but he would not sell me.

20. "Having obtained three pence, I began a little trade, and soon gained a dollar, then more; with this I bought me a Bible. Going in a vessel of my master's to Georgia and Charleston, a small venture I took, on my return answered a very good purpose. In 1765, my master prepared for going to Philadelphia.


With his crediting me for some articles, and the little stock of my own, I laid in considerable, which elated me much; I told him I hoped I should soon obtain enough to purchase my freedom, which he promised me I should have when I could pay him what he gave for me.

21. "Between Montserrat and several ports in America we made many trips. Once circumstance occurred when I was in Georgia, that was a serious one to me: being in a yard with some slaves one evening, their master coming home drunk, and seeing me, a stranger, he, with a stout man to help him, beat me so that I could not go on board the ship, which gave the captain much anxiety. When he found me, and saw the situation I was in, he wept; but by his kind attention, and that of a skillful physician, I was in a few weeks able to go on board and attend to my business.

22. "Thus passing from one port to another, with my kind master and captain's indulgence, and my own indefatigable industry and economy, I obtained the required for my liberty. So, one morning while they were at breakfast, I ventured to remind my master of what he had promised, and to tell him I had got the money—at which he seemed surprised. The captain told him I had come honestly by it, and he must now fulfil his promise. Upon which he told me to get a manumission drawn, and he would sign it: at this intelligence, my heart leaped for joy. When the whole was finished, and I was in reality free, I felt like another being—my joy was indescribable. My master and Captain Doran entreated me not to leave them, and gratitude induced me to stay, though I longed to see Captain Pascal, and let him know I was free.

23. "I now hired as a sailor, and our next voyage was to Savannah. When we were preparing to return, and were taking some cattle on board, one of them butted the captain in the breast, which affected him so that he was unable to do duty, and died before we reached our port. This was a heavy stroke to me, for he had been my true friend, and I loved him as a father.

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