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wife and children, and they called her Jenny. As she advanced in age, she became more and more useful in her master's family, and satisfied with her situation.
4. Her mistress being a woman of uncommonly amiable disposition, having known the subjugation of her own will, by the operation of that principle, which brings into harmony all the discordant passions, and one of that description also, that "looked well to the ways of her household and eat not the bread of idleness,"—she was qualified to govern her family with mildness and discretion, and to set them an example of economy, sobriety, cheerfulness, and industry.
5. Jenny, being placed under the tuition of such a mistress, in due time became qualified to fill the station allotted her with propriety; as an honest, sober, industrious, and useful servant. When she had arrived at about the twentieth year of her age, she was visited by the beforementioned Billy, in the character of a suitor. After mature deliberation, and their affections becoming more strongly fixed—with the approbation of those concerned, the marriage ceremony was performed.
6. Thus were they united, not only in the bands of wedlock, but those of sincere affection, which abundantly manifested itself in their conduct towards and respect for each other, during a long and laborious life, and in their care of their numerous offspring, which consisted of nine sons and one daughter.
7. Time passing on with them, they partook of such a share of happiness as their situation in life would permit, until the year 1769, when the master of Jenny, having purchased a farm in Westchester County, was preparing to remove his family thither. This circumstance became a very close trial to this affectionate pair, who by this time had several children.
8. The thoughtfulness and anxiety felt by them on this occasion being reciprocated by their masters, a proposition was made for an exchange. The wife of one of Billy's fellow-servants being in the family with Jenny, accommodations were soon made, and Billy


admitted a resident in the family with his beloved partner: when they all proceeded to their new settlement, where they lived in harmony and concord for many years, and until their master's children were all married and settled
9. During this period, Billy and Jenny, with all their children, were liberated by their master, and such of them as were old enough, were placed where they might be brought up to habits of industry, and be prepared to provide for themselves a comfortable subsistence, but Billy and Jenny remained with him.
10. Age and infirmity at length put a period to their kind master's life. And his family being thus deprived of his care and exertions, were induced to leave their abode. The mistress, who had long exercised an affectionate care over her household, finding herself lonely, retired to live with her children. And with her youngest son, she remained to an advanced age, and was then gathered into rest, as a shock of corn in its season
11. Billy and Jenny having a house provided for them, remained under the care of their former master's descendants, and with their own industry, and the generosity of their friends, they were comfortably situated. But when Billy was by infirmity so disabled that he could not work as a day-labourer, he cultivated a little garden, and did some light jobs for his neighbors.
12. Their children being out, while Jenny's health and strength remained, she went out to washing and house-cleaning. Billy generally waited on her to the place of destination, and then returning to his habitation, nursed his garden and poultry until towards evening, when he would go and accompany her home. More genuine politeness, and unremitting attention between a man and his wife, are rarely to be found in city or country, than was manifested by this sable pair.
13. Thus they lived several years; but Jenny at length became enfeebled by age and her sight failed, so that she was no longer capable of labouring abroad,