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1. "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the Leopard his spots?" -No; the laws of Providence are fixed. Although God has made man of various colours, and scattered them over the habitable globe, yet all are alike the objects of his care, and to them has he manifested through all generations the greatness of his power, the wisdom of his ways, and the tenderness of his love.
2. Many instances of his peculiar favour to the faithful and obedient, are recorded in the Bible for our encouragement. In the time of Jeremiah the prophet, when the king Babylon had carried away many of the Jews into captivity, but had left a number at Jerusalem, to have charge of the city, and had placed Zedekiah as king over them, they rebelled against the Babylonians, and would not submit to their government, though they were permitted the free use of their own law. For this rebellious and obstinate disposition, they were frequently reproved of the Lord by the mouth of the prophet Jeremiah; but they would not listen to his counsel, and hardening their hearts, even to cruelty, they cast the prophet into a deep pit, where there was much mire and filth, so that he was nigh unto death.
3. At this time, there was in the king's house a pious and noted Ethiopian, (an African) whose name was